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2019台湾拍卖精品推荐 中华民国三年袁大头 试铸样版币

发布时间:2019-07-18 09:55来源:
藏品鉴赏:中华民国三年袁大头试铸样版币 正面 positive 反面 The reverse 近几年来随着钱币市场的不断升温,诸多钱币价格节节高升,一提到银元,不得不提袁大头。所谓的袁大头银元是指



  正面 positive

  反面 The reverse


  In recent years, with the continuous heating up of the coin market, the price of many coins is rising. When it comes to silver yuan, we have to mention "Yuan Daotou." The so-called "Yuan Daotou Silver Yuan" refers to the silver dollar currency issued by Yuan Shikai in order to solve the military expenditure and improve his personal political status after the Revolution of 1911.


  In April 1912, Yuan Shikai became president. In view of the fact that the coins were cast at that time and the banknotes were very complex, the circulation of Chinese and foreign currencies was more than 100 kinds, the circulation was different, the circulation was chaotic, the circulation was tedious, and the people accumulated grievances. At the same time, the Beiyang government also decided to cast national coins with the help of currency restructuring to solve the problem of military expenditure. In order to improve his dominant position, Yuan Shikai took the opportunity to cast his head on the currency, from which Yuan Daotou came from. The first casting time of Yuan Datou was three years in the Republic of China, and the currency was designated as the national currency of the Republic of China. Therefore, it plays a very important role in the history of money in our country.


  the production and production of the mechanism coin, from the design of the ancestral mold, the turning of the tool mold, the smelting of the copper material, the copper-clad plate, the production of the copper cake, the shaking and washing, the annealing, the rolling edge, the printing, the quality inspection, the warehousing and transportation and the like, It can be said that the production process of the mechanism coin is completely the process of a modern industrial production pipeline.Any coin will have a assembly line, from the construction of a mint, the opening of a assembly line or the production of a coin, there is a process of inspection, the coins made at this stage, is to try to cast board coins, is not in circulation. It is the process of inspection of product qualification and quality. The purpose of making trial casting sample coin is to verify whether the product can achieve the design goal of the experimental coin, which is called trial casting coin, for the purpose of testing the manufacturing process and the state of the equipment.Trial casting sample coins are not used in the market. In fact, the Republic of China trial casting sample coin was bought from abroad at that time, because for the first time, silver was changed to copper, and the machine was cast and pressed after cooling with copper water. The trial coin was the finished product sample at that time. It is a reference for the subsequent casting of silver coins, and the whole country has only a few to more than a dozen pieces. The manufacture and production of mechanism coins, from ancestral die design, tool mold turning, from copper smelting to rolling copper plates, making copper cakes, shaking washing, annealing, flanging, printing, etc., there are more than a dozen links involved in the technological process before and after the production, from the melting of copper materials to the rolling of copper plates, making copper cakes, shaking and washing, annealing, flanging, printing, etc. It needs the close cooperation of different technical types of work, it can be said that the production process of mechanism currency It is the process of drawing a piece of art. The amount of trial casting coins is very small, and even less spread to the people.


  The front of this three-year trial coin of the Republic of China is Yuan Shikai's half-body and side military attire. The six words "three years of the Republic of China" are listed on the front. The currency surface is clean, the money text is clear, the font is dignified and neat, and the strokes are strong and powerful. The pattern on the back of the coin is about the interaction of two Jiahe, the lower tie belt, Jiahe grain is clear and delicate, thick and clear, the sense of hierarchy is strong; the center is "one circle" currency value word, the outer ring is straight tooth edge. This coin pulp is naturally thick, the sculptor is exquisite, the grain decoration line is thick and thin, smooth and natural, the font is neat and neat, beautiful and elegant, it can be seen that the craftsman's carving technology is very superb. This coin is glossy in color, excellent in appearance, natural in pulp and deep in ornamentation. Shallow and moderate, with a very high artistic appreciation and collection value.

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  [陶瓷] 高古瓷、元明清瓷器、民国名瓷、现代毛瓷及大师精品瓷器,紫砂壶。

  [玉石] 古玉、明清玉、现代玉、翡翠、田黄、鸡血石。

  [字画] 历代名人名家书画、现当代书画、各派系名家字画。

  [杂项] 古籍善本、金银铜器、奇石雕件、文房用品、佛像。

  [家具] 明清各种材质的硬木家具,以紫檀、海南黄花梨及金丝楠木等名贵材料为主。

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