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发布时间:2019-07-20 22:17来源:
重庆际华拍卖有限公司 重庆际华拍卖有限公司,为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,在




【名称】 玻璃陨石

【规格】 重:697.8g 长:11.5cm宽: 9.8cm

【类别】  杂项











Chongqing JiHua auction co. LTD

Chongqing Ji Hua auctions limited company, it is to collect powerful transmission effect to recommend to each buy a country to choose art curiums through expert of appraisal of a class of country to buy, draw a line to build a bridge for collector, let value of 1000 art curiums be discovered and take seriously, be able to clinch a deal with high price on auction.


[Name] Glass meteorite

[Specification] Weight :697.8g Length: 11.5cm Width: 9.8cm

[Category] Miscellaneous







Across the night sky can pray, fly away from the silver han will leave trace. Meteor as a beautiful legend, has got a lot of letters, we call it now meteorite is that there is no burning of the meteor stone, rock because the source of his particularity, extremely is not easy to get, so its rare and precious, now very popular, is called the "stone" riches and honor, have a daughter.


Meteorites are often divided into: iron meteorites, stone meteorites, stone meteorites, glass meteorites. Glass meteorite with its transparent appearance, gorgeous color, become the most popular meteorite, popular world!


This meteorite is irregular shape, surface with elongate shape bubble and size of the round bubble, like the lunar surface of the crater-like pattern, deep and mysterious, a great sense of beauty, in the sun shining dazzling light, color and natural, burning trace is obvious, air print dense beautiful, meteorite density is high, hand feel pressure. After endless years of baptism is still very well preserved, exquisite appearance, with high scientific research, appreciation and collection value. In the current meteorite hot market, its future appreciation space is great, when the collection of enthusiasts to invest and collect the best choice.



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