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2019精品推荐: 中华民国三年版袁大头

发布时间:2019-08-08 10:53来源:
广东省中安国际拍卖(深圳)有限公司推出收藏精品中华民国三年版袁大头 【名称】中华民国三年版袁大头 【规格】重:26.50g 直径:3.91cm 【类别】钱币 民国三年(1914年),北洋军阀政府正




  【规格】重:26.50g 直径:3.91cm




  这枚民国三年的袁大头,品相完好,包浆老道,图纹清晰,在收藏界里面,袁大头能有这样的品相,完美的为数已经相当罕见了。“袁大头” 在货币收藏界被称为银元之宝,因其重量、成色、含银量非常稳定,是近代中国币制变革中的一个重要角色,也因此,袁大头的价格一直颇为可观。



  During the three years of the Republic of China (1914), the Northern Warlord Government officially coined the silver coin of Yuan Shikai's head, which is commonly known as "Yuan Datou" because of the side image of Yuan Shikai. "Yuan Datou" silver coin has four denominations: one yuan, the middle yuan (five corners), the base angle and one corner. Therefore, the commonly known "Yuan Datou" mainly refers to a silver coin with Yuan Shikai's head. Yuan Datou was first minted by Tianjin Mint, and then by Nanjing, Guangdong, Wuchang and Gansu Mint Branches. Because of its ample silver content and good reputation, it became the currency widely used in China during the Republic of China and even for a longer time. "Yuan Datou" is one of the main currency in circulation during the Republic of China. It is the most influential variety of the nearly 1,000 modern silver coins in China, and also an important role in the reform of the modern Chinese currency system. The coin shows that the rulers of the current Dynasty have the vision of national peace, good luck and good luck. For the folk collectors, the auspicious treasure implying "home and prosperity of everything" has high historical and cultural value and research value of treasure! This three-year-old Yuan Datou of the Republic of China has a perfect appearance, a well-groomed and clear pattern. In the collection circle, the number of perfect Yuan Datou has been quite rare. "Yuan Datou" is known as the treasure of silver yuan in the money collection circle. Because of its weight, fineness and silver content is very stable, it is an important role in the reform of modern Chinese currency system. Therefore, Yuan Datou's price has been considerable.

  The three years of Yuan Datou in the Republic of China can be said to be a change in the coinage style of Chinese traditional ancient coins, because there has never been a figure on the traditional Chinese coins before. Yuan Datou can be said to be a reform of Chinese coins, but the existence time is very short. We know that Yuan Shikai's last straw. The grass ended its dream of emperor. But Yuan Datou left a strong mark in the Chinese money market.

  A small ancient coin contains rich historical elements. Yuan Datou is not only a good collection value, but also a very good art appreciation. Its origin is also the inevitable result of the development of silver coins. Because it is a real currency, people now have a recognition of precious metals, which also reflects. Its liquidity is strong and its appreciation is very large. Especially in recent years, the investment in the collection market has been increasing. Many people in the industry are very optimistic about its future. The so-called "silver coin Yuan Datou" has a bright future, which has stimulated many collectors and venture capital enthusiasts to increase their demand and supply.
















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  [陶瓷] 高古瓷、元明清瓷器、民国名瓷、现代毛瓷及大师精品瓷器,紫砂壶。

  [古钱币] 各朝代稀有古钱币,清代,民国银元铜元类。

  [玉石] 古玉、明清玉、现代玉、翡翠、田黄、鸡血石。

  [字画] 历代名人名家书画、现当代书画、各派系名家字画。

  [杂项] 古籍善本、金银铜器、奇石雕件、文房用品、佛像。

  [家具] 明清各种材质的硬木家具,以紫檀、海南黄花梨及金丝楠木等名贵材料为主。

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