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发布时间:2019-08-11 20:31来源:
湖南省双旗币 Hunan province double flag currency 重:10.3g 直径:3.25cm Weight: 10.3g diameter: 3.25cm 编号:YSWHPMFW-1066 Number: YSWHPMFW - 1066 1911年辛亥革命,清朝宣统皇帝宣布退位,持续两千多年的封建


Hunan province double flag currency


重:10.3g 直径:3.25cm

Weight: 10.3g diameter: 3.25cm


Number: YSWHPMFW - 1066

1911年辛亥革命,清朝宣统皇帝宣布退位,持续两千多年的封建制度轰然落幕,1912年元月,中华民国政府成立,国父孙中山就任中华民国临时大总统,并颁布“临时大总统令”, 取样清代铜币模本,鼓励铸造纪念币——中华民国开国纪念币。湖南省造双旗当制钱二十文,就是产生于这一历史时期。

Xinhai revolution in 1911, the qing xuantong emperor abdicated, more than two thousand years of feudal system crashing, January 1912, the government of the republic of China was founded, sun-yat-sen became provisional President of the republic of China, issued "interim executive order", and sampling standard copper COINS in the qing dynasty, encourage casting COINS, commemorative the founding of the republic of China. Hunan province makes double banner when making money 20 articles, it is produced in this historical period.



On the front of the coin, there is a national flag with two sides crossed in the center. On the top, there are four characters: "made in hunan province". The pattern on the back is golden harvest grain composed of rice ears, and there is an English label "TWENTYCASH" around it.



There are not many copper COINS left in the world. The patina rust on the copper coin also witnesses the deposition of its historical age. It is not difficult to see its obvious historical transitional characteristics.



Hunan province double banner coin is the modern Chinese coin in the boutique, has the historical edification, is the revolution cultural relic with the high value, has the profound historical commemoration significance; At the same time, it is a rare object for archaeology and the study of Chinese history and culture. The amount of existence is very rare, especially the more scarce good appearance, so it is very popular with collectors.


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