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智和文化——清末粉彩花鸟诗文苹果罐 精品推荐

发布时间:2019-08-24 17:53来源:
智和文化清末粉彩花鸟诗文苹果罐 精品推荐 此苹果罐高20.5cm 底径14.5cm 口径9.6cm 器型端庄大气。罐体采用传统工笔粉彩的装饰手法描绘出花开富贵、喜上眉梢的图案。笔画娴熟细致,线

智和文化——清末粉彩花鸟诗文苹果罐 精品推荐

此苹果罐高20.5cm 底径14.5cm 口径9.6cm 器型端庄大气。罐体采用传统工笔粉彩的装饰手法描绘出花开富贵、喜上眉梢的图案。笔画娴熟细致,线条流畅,画面明暗分明,层次明了。画法既有严整工细刻画微妙的工笔画,又有渗入淋漓挥洒,简洁洗练的写意画。旁题“春风得意精神爽,鸟语花香到处闻。”的诗句。落款为丁未秋月 茂只氏。依照落款看此器为光绪33年的作品。历经百年风霜依然保存完好,色彩明丽,显得弥足珍贵。

This Apple jar height 20.5 cm bottom diameter 14.5 cm caliber 9.6 cm device type dignified atmosphere. The tank is decorated with traditional brush pastels to depict the pattern of flowers opening up and enjoying the eyebrows. The strokes are skillful and meticulous, the lines are smooth, the picture is clear and dark, and the hierarchy is clear. The painting method is not only a rigorous and meticulous portrayal of subtle paintings, but also infiltration and dripping, concise freehand painting. The side title "The spring breeze is satisfied with the spirit, and the birds smell the flowers everywhere. "The verse. The payment is Dingwei. According to the drop, this device is the work of Guangxu 33 years. After 100 years of wind frost is still well preserved, bright colors, appear precious.


Collection name: Late Qing Dynasty Pink Flower Poetry Apple Canister



This treasure is temporarily placed in "Sichuan Zhihe Cultural Development Co., Ltd." intending to contact the company directly!

Sichuan Zhihe Culture is a comprehensive operation company that integrates online and offline art exhibition, auction, cultural exchange and art appreciation; with the business purpose of "drawing on Chinese wisdom, promoting Chinese spirit and creating Chinese value", it has a long-term vision, active planning and operation ability, and extremely pioneering spirit. God's team leads Chinese culture to the world.

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