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网上古玩商城精品推荐19年第八期 大清银币曲须龙签字版

发布时间:2019-08-31 00:32来源:
网上古玩商城精品推荐19年第八期 大清银币曲须龙签字版 大清银币,清宣统三年(1911)天津造币总厂铸。清政府拟订了《整顿圜法章程》十条,其中提出银币专由造币总厂制造,保留南洋

网上古玩商城精品推荐19年第八期 大清银币曲须龙签字版




The silver coin of Qing Dynasty was cast by Tianjin Mint General Factory in the 3rd year of the reign of Emperor Xuantong of Qing Dynasty (1911). The Qing government drew up ten articles of the "Regulations for the Reorganization of the Circular Law", which proposed that silver coins should be made exclusively by the Mint General Factory and that the four branches of Nanyang (Jiangnan), Beiyang, Guangdong and Hubei should be retained as branch factories. At that time, the Qing government wanted to unify the currency system, and hired overseas senior technicians to carefully design and manufacture this set of three-year Xuantong Qing silver coins, with six or seven formats. The new coins had just been cast successfully and coincided with the Wuchang Uprising. As a result, most of the new coins were stillborn, leaving only a small number of sample coins.



"Collection Name": Qing Silver Coin Quxulong Signature Edition


[Category]: Coin


宣统三年大清银币壹圆“GIORGI”签字版试铸样币一枚,宣统二年(1910)四月,清政府公布“币制则例”,并命天津造币总厂预备铸行国币,该厂聘请意大利籍雕刻师路易奇·乔治(Luigi Giorgi)担任总雕刻师,进行宣统三年版大清银币的雕模铸造等筹备工作,此藏品即为宣统三年大清银币准备发行前的样币,版式细微处与正式流通币有所不同,背面左侧铸有雕刻师英文名“GIORGI”,镜面版底精制,雕刻精美绝伦,铸工精湛,是唯一一种带有乔治签字的清代银币,亦为乔治签字版铸造年份最早的一种中国钱币,兼以此币为大清国币样币,目前所知存世稀少,具有宝贵的文物收藏和铸币史史料价值,国内公立博物馆及私人均无收藏记录,珍罕之至。

In April of the second year of Xuantong's reign (1910), the Qing government announced the "Monetary Rules" and ordered Tianjin Mint General Factory to prepare for the production of national coins. The factory hired Italian engraver Luigi GIORGI as its chief engraver to make preparations for the engraving and casting of the three-year edition of Xuantong's reign (1910). This collection is the sample coins before the three-year reign of Xuantong's reign. The format is slightly different from that of official currency. The English name of the engraver "GIORGI" is cast on the left side of the back. The mirror plate is refined at the bottom, beautifully carved and exquisitely cast. It is the only Qing Dynasty silver coin with George's signature. It is also the earliest Chinese coin with George's signature. It is also a sample coin of the Great Qing Dynasty. At present, it is rare to know that it exists in the world and has valuable historical value of cultural relics collection and coin history. There are no collection records in domestic public museums and private individuals, which is rare.



On the front of the coin is the Chinese word "Qing silver coin" in the bead circle, and on the outside of the bead circle are the words "full" and "three years of propaganda and unification" in the Chinese language, with long branches and chrysanthemum decorations on the left and right sides. On the left side of the back is cast the engraver's English name "GIORGI" and the word "one circle" sitting in the middle, with the dragon flying around from top to left to right, with seven tail whiskers up, the faucet on top, two long whiskers, protruding nose bridge, intense eyes, fine dragon grain, fireball on the bottom, and the English word "one circle" on the bottom edge. Has extremely high collection value.



For the vast number of collectors, silver coins from the Qing Dynasty were a good choice for collection. Because of the special design and strong sense of the times, silver coins are very popular in the collection market. And after people's love for silver coins in recent years, the collection value in the market is increasing day by day.





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