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网上古玩商城精品推荐19年第八期 天道酬勤-启功

发布时间:2019-08-31 02:01来源:
网上古玩商城精品推荐19年第八期 天道酬勤-启功 启功(19122005),自称姓启名功, 字元白,也作元伯,号苑北居士,北京市满人。 雍正皇帝的第九代孙。 中国当代著名书画家、教育家

网上古玩商城精品推荐19年第八期 天道酬勤-启功



启功(1912——2005),自称“姓启名功”, 字元白,也作元伯,号苑北居士,北京市满人。 雍正皇帝的第九代孙。 中国当代著名书画家、教育家、古典文献学家、鉴定家、红学家、诗人,国学大师。曾任北京师范大学副教授、教授,中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会常务委员、国家文物鉴定委员会主任委员、中央文史研究馆馆长、博士研究生导师、九三学社顾问、中国书法家协会名誉主xi,世界华人书画家联合会创会主xi,中国佛教协会、故宫博物院、国家博物馆顾问,西泠印社社长。

Qigong (1912-2005), who calls himself "the surname Qiminggong", is white, also known as Yuanbo, a resident of Yuanbei, and full of people in Beijing. Yongzheng emperor's 9th grandson. Famous contemporary Chinese calligraphers and painters, educators, classical philologists, appraisers, redologists, poets and masters of Chinese studies. He was an associate professor and professor of Beijing Normal University, a standing member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a director of the National Cultural Relics Appraisal Committee, a curator of central research institute of culture and history, a doctoral tutor, an advisor to the Jiusan Society, an honorary president of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, an founder of the World Federation of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters, an advisor to the Chinese Buddhist Association, the Palace Museum and the National Museum, and a president of the Xiling Printing Society.



Mr. Qigong is a famous contemporary scholar, painter and calligrapher. He is well-versed in writing and languages, and even has a great deal of research on eight-part essays that have become historical relics. He is good at poetry and calligraphy and is also an expert in ancient calligraphy and painting, especially in the study of inscriptions. Appreciating his calligraphy works, one must always think of his profound research on inscriptions, because his research on inscriptions is inextricably linked to his artistic achievements in calligraphy. The study of inscriptions was a science that emerged in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Now this science has opened up a new realm with the continuous excavation of underground ink marks.




Although Mr. Qigong flew to the west, people's love for "Qiti" has increased. Qigong style calligraphy works are also very eye-catching in the contemporary calligraphy auction market and are considered as "hard currency" in the contemporary calligraphy collection sector.






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