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发布时间:2019-09-08 00:20来源:
盛世古玩下的中国人民银行第一套牧马图精品推荐 【藏.荐】栏为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘




[Tibet. Recommendation] column for the strong dissemination effect of the collection to recommend to buyers the selected art treasures by experts at the first level of national appraisal, to bridge the gap for Tibetans, so that the value of thousands of art treasures are excavated and valued, and high-priced transactions can be concluded in the auction.

【名称】: 第一套人民币“牧马图”壹万元


【藏 品 类 型】: 杂 项


【藏 品 年 代】: 近代


【藏 品 信 息】: 一张

[Name]: The first set of Renminbi "Muma Tu" of 10000 yuan


[Collection Types]: Miscellaneous


[Collection Age]: Modern Times


Collection Information: One






Ten thousand yuan Mumatu was issued on May 17, 1951, shortly after the end of the War of Liberation. The circulation market was short of goods and materials. It was also a currency issued in remote areas. Therefore, the scale of issuance was very limited. In just three years and eleven months, the note ceased to circulate, making the total circulation very small. In addition, in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the low technical level of paper money, especially the lack of papermaking technology, led to the currency was extremely vulnerable to wear and tear, people did not have the awareness of RMB collection before, the vast majority of the voting king has been depleted in 60 years. All these reasons combined, resulting in the first set of RMB 10,000 yuan Mumadu stock in double digits, and among them, the quality of more than nine or no more than five, which means that the first set of high-quality Renminbi will not exceed five sets at most.

Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the successful March of the Chinese People's Liberation War, the first set of Renminbi is the only legal currency printed and issued by the State Bank affiliated to the People's Government on December 1, 1948. On the theme of the pattern, we choose the pattern of economic construction and people's life in the new society at that time to vividly show the cause of China's liberation and people's political, life, culture and social attitudes in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic, so that people can appreciate that under the leadership of the Party, the people of all ethnic groups in the whole country work together, work hard, build a new China and build a new China on their own. The society is in full swing. The issuance of the first set of RMB guarantees the need for the victory of the liberation war, promotes the recovery and development of the economy, eventually becomes a unified national currency, and ends the decades of currency chaos under the rule of the Kuomintang.


"Muma Tu" is the most precious one in the first set of RMB, which is currently priced at hundreds of thousands of yuan. The first set of RMB has been issued since 1948 and ceased to circulate in 1955. There are 12 denominations and 62 editions. The circulation of some editions is relatively scarce, and the circulation of the first set of Renminbi has been very little for more than 50 years. Therefore, the first set of Renminbi has an unusual position in the money market and its value has risen again from more than 100,000 yuan a few years ago.

Nowadays, the market system is more than 100 times its own value, with a price of more than 1 million yuan. The first set of Renminbi is scarce, and Mumatu is rare. Because of the imperfection of anti-counterfeiting technology at that time, there is a flood of counterfeit currencies in the market, which further increases the price of real currencies. This collection is well-preserved, rare to see beauty, is the first set of RMB in China's most precious varieties, is worth collecting.




This collection is the core recommendation of this Singapore auction. Welcome all Tibetan friends to come to Singapore for consultation and bidding. This is a rare opportunity!


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