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发布时间:2019-09-19 16:33来源:
万晟阁(北京)国际拍卖有限公司 藏品名称:孙小头上六星 孙小头上六星的特征,价格以及收藏价值: 从小到大,我们都在接受历史文化知识的熏陶,我们最初系统的开始学习历史的





The characteristics, price and collection value of the six stars on Sun Xiao head:
From small to large, we all accept the influence of historical and cultural knowledge, we initially began to learn history systematically in our junior high school period, at this time the acceptance of knowledge system is the embryonic stage of development, but also the basis for understanding history. After the revolution of late December 1911, Sun Zhongshan was elected the temporary president of the Republic of China. At the beginning of the Republic of China, the monetary system had not yet been established. In many places, silver coins were made from the steel molds of the Qing Dynasty for the circulation of commodities. Later, Sun Zhongshan agreed to cast commemorative coins, and ordered the rest to be used for general new patterns. Before long, the Ministry of Finance issued new models to let all places be cast according to their styles. The name of this commemorative coin is "commemorative coins of the founding of the Republic of China".



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