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发布时间:2019-09-24 01:34来源:


Chinese figure painting started earlier than the Han Dynasty and flourished in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. It led a large number of famous works in the art of figure painting. In Song Dynasty, Li Gonglin and Liang Kai inherited Tang style and pushed ink figure painting to a new peak. Since the Yuan Dynasty, landscape, flowers and birds have gradually become the mainstream of the painting world. Figure painting is no longer the dominant style, but there are still many famous artists. Tang Yin, Qiu Ying, Chen Hongshou, Huang Shen, and Ren Bonian in modern times have created numerous glorious characters. With the development of the times, Chinese figure painting has been living and lasting for thousands of years, which contains great artistic vitality.



[Collection Name]: Huang Shen's One Hundred and Eight General

【规格】:长:429cm 宽:45cm

[Specification] Long: 429 cm wide: 45 cm


Auction in Dubai

此画为黄慎风格字画,黄慎生于1687年,卒年不详。慎工草书,法怀素。画人物,多取神仙故事为题材,初学上官周,后用狂草笔法作画。笔姿放纵,气象雄伟,深入古法,亦偶有笔过伤韵者。间作山水、花鸟,得荒率之致。所画多历史人物、佛道、樵夫渔父,早年工细,后参以怀素草书笔法,所作人物用笔粗犷,顿挫转折,纵横排奡,气象雄伟。花鸟笔法洗练,形象概括,画风泼辣;山水境界开阔,注重诗意的表达。黄慎款水浒一百零八将卷轴,是其经典代表作,长卷长:429cm 宽:45cm,画面108将栩栩如生,传神到位,是一副不可多得的传世佳作。

This painting is Huang Shen's style of calligraphy and painting. Huang Shen was born in 1687, the year of his death is unknown. Careful craftsmanship, fahuaisu. Painting characters, mostly take fairy tales as the theme, first learn the official week, and then use wild sketch painting. The style of writing is indulgent, the weather is magnificent, deep into the ancient method, and occasionally there are people who have had a bad rhyme. Intercropping landscape, flowers and birds, resulting in the rate of shortage. Many historical figures, Buddhism and Taoism, woodcutter and fisherman were painted. In their early years, they were meticulous, and later they were joined by Huai Su's cursive brushwork. The characters used rough brush strokes, turning ups and downs, ranking vertically and horizontally, and had a magnificent atmosphere. Flower and bird brushwork, image generalization, spicy painting style; landscape realm open, pay attention to the expression of poetry. Huang Shenqiao's Water Margin 108 general scroll is his classic masterpiece. Its length is 429 cm wide and 45 cm wide. The picture 108 will be vivid and vivid. It is a rare masterpiece handed down from generation to generation.


This painting is a portrait of characters, a total of one hundred and eight generals, referring to one hundred and eight leaders of Liang Shanbo in the Water Margin, one of the four masterpieces. It consists of thirty-six members of the Goddess of Heaven and seventy-two members of the Earth Devil Star. These 108 people have different personalities, strengths and endings. They are the classic figures in the history of Chinese literature. His novel "Water Margin" is also one of the most characterizing novels.


Another feature of this painting is that it is made of silk, which is commonly known as silk painting (top silk fabrics). Silk painting, an ancient Chinese painting. It was named for its paintings on silk. Silk is a kind of silk fabric with white texture, on which people, animals, birds, gods and beasts are depicted with ink and color. It rose in the Warring States Period and reached its peak in the Western Han Dynasty. Silk painting refers to the traditional Chinese silk painting which used white silk as the material before, using 100% silk, no slurry, no alum, no support, using meticulous techniques to draw. Silk paintings use mineral pigments such as cinnabar, stone blue and stone green, which are rich and bright, such as silk paintings of the Han Tomb No. 1 in Mawangdui, and also painted with ink and white powder, such as figure Longfeng silk paintings. It depicts celestial phenomena, gods, totems and characters to show the mythical world of God-man coexistence in the vast heavenly kingdom. In summary, according to the information, this painting is a rare and precious treasure, either from his fine painter or from his noble material.








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