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发布时间:2019-10-13 18:51来源:
2019 精品推荐汉白玉烛台 1 对 藏品名称:汉白玉烛台 1 对 口径: 5cm 底径: 4.8cm 高 117cm 重: 721.4g 此藏品为汉白玉乾隆孝粉刻花烛台。乾隆皇帝对玉的痴迷,促使乾隆玉成为18世纪中国




口径:5cm 底径:4.8cm 117cm 重:721.4g



This collection is Han Baiyu Qianlong filial piety carved candlestick. Emperor Qianlong's obsession with jade made "Qianlong Jade" become the pronoun of Chinese Jade in the 18th century, and Qianlong Jade also became the most dazzling pearl in the development process of Chinese ancient jades. Qianlong Xiaopin Jade Bowl was Emperor Qianlong and his mother was sick at that time. After the treatment of imperial medicine, the research and development of traditional Chinese medicine must cooperate with the use of jade to achieve the best curative effect. For this reason, Emperor Qianlong ordered craftsmen to make jade bowls, butterflies, cups and bottles overnight. Later was known as "Qianlong filial piety powder". Hanbaiyu is hard and white in texture, with light watermarks in the stone body, commonly known as sweat line, so it is named Hanbaiyu. Han Baiyu is the most precious and top-grade stone used in ancient Chinese imperial architecture and art sculpture. "Qianlong Filial Piety Powder" is made of high-grade white jade, with hidden patterns and complicated technology. Even in the court, it is a rare thing. Collection of Han Baiyu Qianlong filial piety powder carved candlestick, a rare rarity.




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