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盛稀珍藏艺术品精品推荐 民国十年袁大头

发布时间:2019-10-15 01:38来源:
盛稀珍藏艺术品精品推荐 民国十年袁大头 Recommend Yuan Datou for the Ten Years of the Republic of China 袁世凯出任大总统,北洋政府鉴于当时铸币、纸币十分复杂,流通的中外货币在百种以上,规

盛稀珍藏艺术品精品推荐 民国十年袁大头

Recommend Yuan Datou for the Ten Years of the Republic of China


Yuan Shikai served as President. In view of the complexity of coinage and paper money, the Beiyang government decided to issue national currency because there were more than 100 kinds of currencies in circulation, different specifications, confused circulation, cumbersome conversion and people's complaints. At the same time, it wanted to solve the military expenditure problem by means of currency restructuring. In order to improve his dominant position, consolidate the domestic political stability and develop the national economy, Yuan Shikai took the opportunity to cast his head on the surface of the coin, which resulted in Yuan Datou.

此币为中华民国十年造袁大头壹圆,银币正面铸有袁世凯侧面戎装像,上环“中华民国十年造”七字。背面铸有币值 “壹圆”二字,左右为稻穗组成的嘉禾纹图案。钱币虽然经历了无穷岁月的洗礼,但是如今保存依然较为完好,品相属于上等。其色泽光鲜亮自然,纹饰深浅适度,边缘线条粗细均匀,间距也疏密一致。人像、发丝、胡须、穗芒等细微之处清晰有度,生动自然。

This coin was made in the ten years of the Republic of China. On the front of the coin, there was a military image of Yuan Shikai on the side and the seven words "made in the ten years of the Republic of China" in the upper ring. On the back is coined the word "one circle", which is a pattern of Jiahe grain composed of rice ears. Although coins have undergone the baptism of endless years, they are still relatively well preserved and of superior quality. Its color is bright and natural, moderate decoration depth, uniform edge lines, spacing is also dense and consistent. Portraits, hair, beard, spikes and awns and other subtle places are clear, vivid and natural.


Because the number of Yuan Datou Yiyuan's production in the ten years of the Republic of China is very small, and it has been circulated for a hundred years, it is extremely rare. It is the object that many collectors compete for. It has a very high investment and collection value and is the best coin in the world. The so-called "scarcity is the most precious thing", which to a certain extent also shows that the current stock of Yuan Datou Yiyuan in the ten years of the Republic of China is much less than that in the three years of the Republic of China, so naturally reflected in the price of collection. Yuan Datou represents the monetary culture of modern China and reflects the rise and fall of modern history, economy and finance in China. He has high artistic and cultural value, as well as high preservation and appreciation functions.

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