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发布时间:2019-10-17 01:30来源:

鸭宝就是鸭体内的结石,鸭宝是中国古代非常常用的一种名贵中药。李时珍<<本草纲目>>中有明确记载,在中医方面有很多药用价值,它是中医传统的接骨妙药。味苦,性寒。入足阳明、厥阴经。具有祛风,利尿,止痛,消肿的作用。 可治疗冠心病、慢性支气管炎、尿路感染、水煎熏洗,而且对风湿性、类风湿性关节炎有明显疗效。对治疗遗传性癫痫有独到的效果。鸭宝形成周期非常长,并且难以形成,鸭宝的获取难度非常大。所以才会造成鸭宝目前市场上千金难求的状态。


Duck treasure is the stone in the body of a duck. Duck treasure is a rare Chinese medicine commonly used in ancient China. Li shizhen’s compendium of materia medica >> has a clear record, in traditional Chinese medicine has a lot of medicinal value, it is the traditional Chinese medicine bone healing wonderful medicine. Bitter taste, cold sex. Enter foot yangming, jue Yin classics. It has the function of dispelling wind, diuresis, relieving pain and detumescence. Can treat coronary heart disease, chronic bronchitis, urinary tract infection, water decoction fumigation wash, and rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis has an obvious effect. For the treatment of hereditary epilepsy has a unique effect. Duck treasure formation cycle is very long, and difficult to form, duck treasure acquisition is very difficult. So can cause duck treasure at present on the market the state that a thousand pieces of gold seek hard.

本品为家禽鸭干燥天然鸭宝 。此颗鸭重约12.5克,成色上品,最难能可贵的是它是属于自然风干,且保存完整呈椭圆状,取自家养家禽类天然鸭宝,属于极为罕见的上等鸭宝。因为其重量较小,更适合医学研究,入药等,且因为其可遇不可求,鸭宝的经济价值与收藏价值也越来越高。值得高价收藏,This product is dried natural duck treasure for domestic poultry and duck. This duck weighs about 12.5g and is of the best quality. What is most valuable is that it is naturally air-dried and completely preserved in an oval shape. It is taken from the natural duck treasure of the family poultry, and it is a rare and superior duck treasure. Because of its smaller weight, it is more suitable for medical research, medicine, etc., and because it is not available, the economic value and collection value of duck treasure is also getting higher and higher. Worth a high price to collect,

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