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段和敏松鹤延年图-147 (7)

发布时间:2019-11-10 07:21来源:
藏品推荐: 段和敏松鹤延年图 摘要:藏品推荐:段和敏-松鹤延年图 精品推荐《段和敏-松鹤延年图》凌雪从事绘画工作已有二十余年,主要画工笔花鸟画,其绘画风格细腻、艳丽、富有神


摘要:藏品推荐:段和敏-松鹤延年图 精品推荐《段和敏-松鹤延年图》凌雪从事绘画工作已有二十余年,主要画工笔花鸟画,其绘画风格细腻、艳丽、富有神。画家凌雪的花鸟画题材比较稳定,她的作品形态天然地富有超越时代和现实生活的美感, 凝集着画家的心境和情怀。





Collection Name:" Duan He Min - Song He Yan Nian Picture."


规格: 137cm*68cm

Specification: 137cm*68cm






Category: calligraphy and painting


Ling Xue, formerly known as Duan Hemin, was born in 1955. he graduated from the Department of meticulous painting of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and graduated from Mr. Jin Hongjun. From an early age, he copied the fine works of flower and bird painting masters in China. I have been engaged in painting for more than 20 years. Mainly draw meticulous flower and bird painting, meticulous lady painting. Its painting style is delicate, gorgeous and full of charm. Ling Xue's works have been published in a number of newspapers and periodicals by a number of galleries and personal collections at home and abroad.



His works have participated in many national art exhibitions and various art exhibitions and won awards. The main award-winning works: Ling Han was awarded the Outstanding Award of the Asian Women painter works Exhibition, Sweet Girl won the Outstanding Award at the Asian Women painter works Exhibition, and the October Red won the first prize at the 1999 Chinese painting Exhibition. "A string of Red" won the second prize of the 1993 Chinese painting Exhibition, and "Welcome Spring" won the first prize of the Chinese Grand City Art Exhibition. Now is a member of the Beijing Association of Fine Arts, Beijing famous meticulous painter, Ji Yazhai signed calligraphy and painter.



Meticulous flower and bird painting has a long history and has become the first choice of family hanging painting since ancient times. The trees, flowers and plants, birds, beasts, insects and fish in nature all represent some kind of auspicious and beautiful moral, and the wonderful flowers in the painter's works become a kind of art attached to some kind of spirituality. Jiyazhai character and painting net signed artist Ling Xue four-foot banner flower and bird painting pine crane picture "Pine Crane extension New year" picture depicting nine cranes proudly standing on pine trees, pine branches proud and solemn, with pen strength, branches bold choice, dense, pine needles with powerful pen; nine cranes look different, depicting crane feathers and ink condensed Yi, a large number of side front few strokes Draw the form, black and white, virtual and real degree, form and spirit, natural vivid. Since ancient times, there has been the theory of Songhe extension, which is also widely used in Chinese painting. This work is the best gift for the elderly because of its profound skill and excellent painting skills.









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