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发布时间:2019-12-02 20:05来源:
圣翰德袁大头精品推荐 银元起源于15世纪,始铸于欧洲,俗称洋钱花边钱或大洋,是银铸币的通称。银元是舶来品,它初入中国,大约是在明朝,但大量流入,则在清乾隆年间以后。市




Silver dollar originated in the 15th century, first cast in Europe, commonly known as "foreign money "," side money" or "ocean ", is the general name of silver coinage. Silver dollar is imported, it first entered China, about in the Ming Dynasty, but a large inflow, in the Qing Dynasty after the Qianlong period. There are like three sail silver coins, bamboo silver coins, Gansu made Yuan DaDou and other less issued silver yuan. Among them, the most widely spread, the greatest impact, the largest variety of silver coins in the world can be counted Yuan Shikai head silver coins, commonly known as "Yuan Da Tou silver yuan ".



The "Yuan-head", which is commonly known as the one-round silver coin of Yuan Shikai's side in the first year of the founding of the People's Republic of China, is known as the "Min-san" of the first time in the Republic of China in the Republic of China. As the leader of the silver coin of the Republic of China, the "big head" series is not a stranger to the collection of the money. The birth of the "Yuan-head" is also the inevitable result of the development of the silver. After the Revolution of 1911, Yuan Shikai is named for the purpose of solving the military expenditure and raising the personal political status.

藏品名称:袁大头 重量 :22.1g 直径:34.8mm




This silver coin, "Yuan Daotou, three years of the Republic of China", has a diameter of 3.9 cm. Yuan Shikai's side figure on the front of the coin is engraved with the words "three years of the Republic of China". On the back, there are two intersecting ears of rice, and the central part is the word "one Yuan." Because it is a physical currency, between people's recognition of precious metals and a strong sense of identity with history and culture, the collection is not in the minority. The realization ability of "Yuan Datou" is relatively strong, which is also one of the factors that Tibetans are optimistic about. At present, the number of "Yuan Dadou" retained by the private sector is no longer too much, and silver belongs to precious metals, and the collection risk is small, so it is very suitable for investment and collection.




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