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智和文化——广东省造光绪元宝 精品推荐

发布时间:2019-12-12 09:33来源:
智和文化广东省造光绪元宝 精品推荐 光绪元宝广东省造库平重一两,背面双龙寿字,广东寿字壹两银币,铸于光绪二十一年(1895)初,为纪念慈禧六十寿辰而铸。由于正值户部推行一

智和文化——广东省造光绪元宝 精品推荐

光绪元宝广东省造库平重一两,背面双龙寿字,广东寿字壹两银币,铸于光绪二十一年(1895)初,为纪念慈禧六十寿辰而铸。由于正值户部推行一两本位制银币,所以这枚寿字纪念银币亦用“库平重壹两”的本位制纪重。寿字壹两纪念银币制造非常精致。光绪元宝为清代货币,光绪年间铸行金、银币较多。当时正值洋务运动时期,这股思潮也影响到了铸币业,两广总督张之洞曾于光绪十三年委托使英大臣在英国订购 全套造币机器,其后,各省纷纷仿效,购制国外机械铸造银,这也使得使银币沾染上西方色彩。此光绪元宝为双龙寿字币,数量已经极其稀有。银元,作为曾经的主要流通货币,反映了当时的政治、金融与文化背景、历史价值不菲。再者买卖银元属于实物投资,交易比较灵活,具有收藏价值投资风险小、增值稳定等特点,加上银元系稀有贵重金属,所铸制作数量比铜币、铁币、纸币等少得多。存世数量有限,自然会越来越受追捧。




Guangxu Yuanbao Guangdong Province, the library ping weight one or two, the back of the shuanglong Shou word, Guangdong Shou character swastorate two silver coins, cast in Guangxu twenty-one year (1895) at the beginning of, in order to commemorate the 60th birthday of the Jubilee and cast. As the Ministry of Households to implement one or two standard silver coins, so this life word commemorative silver coins also use the "Kuping heavy two" standard system weight. Shouji two commemorative silver coin manufacturing is very exquisite. Guangxu Yuanbao for the Qing Dynasty currency, Guangxu years of minted gold, silver coins more. At that time, the foreign affairs movement period, this trend of thought also affected the mint industry, the two governor Zhang Zhidong in Guangxu thirteen years commissioned the British Minister in the United Kingdom to order a full set of mint machine, after that, the provinces have followed suit, the purchase of foreign machinery to cast silver, which also makes the silver coins stained with Western colors. This Guangxu Yuanbao is ssangyong Shou word currency, the quantity has been extremely rare. As the main currency in circulation, the silver yuan reflects the political, financial and cultural background and historical value at that time. In addition, the sale of silver dollars belongs to the physical investment, the transaction is more flexible, with the collection value investment risk is small, value-added stability and so on, coupled with the silver dollar system rare precious metals, the number of cast than copper, iron, paper money and so much less. With a limited number of surviving lives, it is natural that they will become more and more sought after. Guangxu Yuanbao dominated the commodity circulation market in the late Qing Dynasty. Later, with the end of the feudal dynasty, these coins also gradually withdrew from the historical stage, and later due to the outbreak of war and other factors, once had a large circulation of the Guangxu Yuanbao became gradually rare, so it has become a hot in the money collection market today. Guangdong Province made Guangdong Province to make Guangxu Yuan treasure trove ping one or two, in 1894, the Two Governor swasheved to Li Hanzhang (Li Hongzhang's brother), and the Governor of Guangdong was Kang Yi. Kang yi is known for his hatred of foreigners and foreign objects and his support for the Righteous And League movement. Hua Guangpu's "China Silver Coin Catalog" mentions that Qing Dynasty man Wang Wusheng left a valuable record. In the coin collection world for its rare survival by people's value, but also because of its exquisite production and much loved by people. In China's modern silver coins, it is a well-known kind, but also included in China's modern mechanism of the ten rare.


Collection name: Guangdong Province, The Making of Guangxu Yuanbao






This treasure is temporarily placed in "Sichuan Zhihe Cultural Development Co., Ltd." intending to contact the company directly!


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