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速成微拍 京局制造庚子光绪元宝七钱二分

发布时间:2019-12-18 17:04来源:
光绪元宝是清朝光绪年间流通的货币之一。由两广总督张之洞率先引进英国铸币机器铸造银元和铜元,之后各省纷纷仿效,共有十九个省局铸造。 Guangxu Yuanbao was one of the currencies in ci


Guangxu Yuanbao was one of the currencies in circulation during the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty. Zhang Zhidong, Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, was the first to introduce British coinage machines to cast silver and copper coins. After that, all provinces followed suit, with a total of 19 provincial bureaus casting coins.



[Name of Collection]: Seven and a half cents for Gengzi Guangxu Yuanbao Kuping made by Beijing Bureau.


[Category]: Coin


On the front side of the silver coin, the central bead ring was inscribed with the words "Guangxu Yuanbao" in Chinese; on the outside of the bead ring, the casting organ of the silver coin was inscribed with the words "Made by Beijing Bureau"; on the bottom, the Chinese currency value was inscribed with the words "Kuping Seven Cents" and on the left and right were inscribed with the words "Gengzi" of the Ganzhi Chronology. In the middle of the back of the silver coin is a picture of a coiled dragon, whose style is significantly different from that of other kinds of Guangxu silver ingots cast in the same period. The top of the picture bears the English name "PEKING" of Beijing and the English currency is inscribed around it. In the same year, the Beijing Silver Dollar Bureau was quickly destroyed by the invasion of the Eight-Power Allied Forces. Therefore, the casting time of "Guangxu silver ingot silver coin made by Gengzi Beijing bureau" is very short, the casting amount is extremely small, and it is extremely rare to keep the silver coin handed down from ancient times.

当钢模送抵北京银圆局不久,适遭逢拳匪之变,又被八国联军劫掠,铸币厂房被毁,北京银圆局仍胎死腹中,仅留存少量金币样币存世。过数年,清政府才改立造币总厂于天津。京局制造的银币背面龙图为一张牙舞爪的正式大清龙图,和我国其他各省的龙图银圆大相径庭,其云龙图样常见于清正式龙袍,锦缎文书,陶瓷器,形象威武,有大国风范,历来为钱币收藏界所珍视、喜爱,加上只试铸数枚,又遭匪乱,传世甚少,为我国银币爱好者珍若供璧、名贵非凡。 庚子京局制造光绪元宝是第一套清中央政府正式铸造的银币,意义不凡,每种面值传世仅数枚,十分珍罕!

Not long after the steel moulds arrived at the Beijing silver dollar bureau, they met the change of boxing bandits and were plundered by the allied forces of the eight countries. the mint factory was destroyed. the Beijing silver dollar bureau was still stillborn and only a small amount of gold coins and sample coins remained in the world. It took several years for the Qing government to set up the Mint General Factory in Tianjin. The dragon figure on the back of the silver coin made by Beijing Bureau is a formal Qing dragon figure with teeth and claws, which is very different from the silver circle of dragon figures in other provinces of our country. Its cloud dragon pattern is commonly found in formal dragon robes of Qing Dynasty, brocade documents, ceramic ware, and its image is terrible and has the style of a great country. It has always been cherished and loved by the coin collecting and collecting circles. Besides, only a few coins have been cast in a trial way, which has been messed up by bandits and handed down from ancient times. It is very rare and precious for silver coin lovers in our country. Guangxu silver ingot made by Gengzi Beijing bureau is the first set of silver coins officially cast by the central government of Qing dynasty. it is of extraordinary significance. only a few pieces of each denomination are handed down from ancient times. it is very rare!



The collection is exquisite in appearance and unique in aesthetic style. The integration of Manchu and Chinese culture is rarely seen on the front of coins, while the money back clearly indicates the intervention of western culture. Its pulp is very deep, old and natural, deep typing mouth is clear, circulation trace is obvious, edge teeth pass through customs, Long Lin is clear, and it has extremely high investment value and collection value. It has a historical edification, is a revolutionary cultural relic of high value, and has profound historical commemorative significance. At the same time, it is also a rare material object for archaeology and study of Chinese history and culture.



Guangxu Yuanbao is a popular collection with a certain number of collectors. In the early days, strong buyers from all regions of the country intervened in Guangxu Yuanbao, controlling the market supply to a certain extent and causing its price to rise rapidly. At the same time, the value of Guangxu Yuanbao is also rising simultaneously. Judging from the acceptability of Tibetans and citizens, it is expected that the price of Guangxu Yuanbao will continue to rise in the later period. Guangxu Yuanbao recorded a period of history in our country and has important cultural significance and collection value.

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