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御世珍藏 尚博古今【四川铜币、四川铜币(错版)赏析】

发布时间:2019-12-21 17:30来源:
四川铜币 重 : 19.3 g直径: 3.94cm 编号: YSWHZLFW-5452 中国钱币源远流长,品种纷多,是中华民族传统文化中的瑰宝,具有很高的收藏与投资价值。几千年来中国的货币文化,凝聚着中华


19.3 g直径:3.94cm



      Chinese coin has a long history and many varieties. It is a treasure in the traditional culture of the Chinese nation. It has high collection and investment value. For thousands of years, China's monetary culture embodies the wisdom and talent of the Chinese nation, creating a systematic, dazzling and unique Oriental monetary culture.

      The copper COINS made by the military government are the product of the revolution of 1911. In December 1911, "chengdu rebellion" took place, and the sichuan military government with Yin changheng and luo lun as its chief and deputy governors replaced the han military government in sichuan which had been built for only 12 days. At the beginning of the construction of the new military government in sichuan, the government was faced with a financial dilemma. The military government quickly accepted the chengdu mint of sichuan province and decided to mint "sichuan copper COINS" in case of emergency.


        The book "sichuan copper coin" in the bead circle on the front of the coin, "made by the military government" on the outside of the coin, with the seal character "han" on the back: "han" at the bottom of the word there are several horizontal and straight lines, so coin collectors also call it "han" copper yuan. There were 18 small circles around the "han" character, representing 18 provinces at that time. The 18 small circles around "han" form a whole, which means the people of the 18 provinces unite to fight for "driving out the manchus and restoring China". Clear patterns and words, no wear, smooth surface, edge without obvious impact marks, perfect phase.



      The copper coin made by the military government of sichuan province is a fine coin in minting. "Military government made sichuan copper COINS" less circulation, circulation time is short, the current amount of existence is also less, collection "military government made sichuan copper COINS", has become a popular currency collectors eyes.




重:20.5g 直径:3.97cm


      After the revolution of 1911, the military government of dahan in sichuan abolished the bronze coin pattern with dragon pattern in the first year of the republic of China. Remold sichuan coppers junta made "when ten", "20", and "50" when the face value of the three kinds of copper, the front, the "sichuan coppers" four words, there is a Chinese, have a "military", below for when ZhiQian one hundred, opposite a ring, middle ring to seal letter "han", outside there around 18 small circle.
       Coin color copper yellow, front center directly read "sichuan copper COINS" four words. Outside the bead ring on the ring "military government made", under the ring "when making money 100", coin back on the ring "two years in the republic of China", the center with a circle around a circle, inside the cast "han" character. "Sichuan copper COINS made by military government", as one of the most complete series of copper COINS produced throughout the country during the period of the republic of China, has very typical characteristics and is also the materialized evidence of that special history.



       The wrong version of this sichuan copper coin was minted by the chengdu mint of the military government of sichuan province. After the establishment of the republic of China, the dragon mold was abolished and the model was created by the military government of sichuan province. The collection includes natural paste, uniform color, bright color, chic design, elegant shape, profound implication, extremely artistic value, historical value and collection value, is a rare rare fine wrong plate copper coin, with a larger value appreciation space.












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