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发布时间:2019-12-30 20:24来源:

“ 玛瑙”早期被书写成“马脑”,最早见于后汉安世高所译的《阿那邠邸七子经》一书。南北朝时鸠摩罗什译《妙法莲华经》称:“马脑,梵云遏湿摩揭婆”、“色如马脑,故从彼名”。唐代高僧慧琳著《一切经音义》解释称:“‘阿湿缚’(Asmar-)者,此云‘马’也,‘揭波’者(-garbha),脑也。

"Agate" was written as "horse brain" in the early stage, and it was first seen in the book of seven sons of anayingdi translated by an Shigao in the later Han Dynasty. In the northern and Southern Dynasties, kumarashi translated the Sutra of the lotus, which said: "horse brain, van Yun repressed Damo jiepo" and "color is like horse brain, so it comes from that name". Huilin, the eminent monk of Tang Dynasty, explained in the book "all scriptures, sounds and meanings" that: "those who are" Asmar "are also" horses ", those who are" Jiebo "(garbha), and those who are" brain ".



Agate is chalcedony with striated structure. It is a kind of colloidal mineral. Its main component is silica. The hardness is 6.5-7, the specific gravity is 2.65, the fracture surface is shell like, transparent to translucent, and the glass luster. Agate should be white if it is pure, because it contains non-ferrous ions or other impurities, it will appear gray, red, blue and other colors. The natural red agate is "burnt red", and heat treatment can make the light red agate become bright red. It can also dye high-quality white agate into various colors. Bracelets are often made in the agate market, as well as small hanging and ornaments. Agate is mainly produced in Brazil. China's agate is mainly produced in Fuxin City, Liaoning Province and Baoshan Town, molida vadaur Autonomous Banner, Hulunbuir City, Inner Mongolia. According to the Chinese nation, the agate production in Inner Mongolia ranks first in China.


Agate is a colloidal aggregate of silica, which usually has a circular concentric filament or parallel strip structure. It's even harder than crystal. This kind of hard, dense and delicate gem with beautiful color is the first-class raw material for carving arts and crafts.



Agate is also a kind of chalcedony mineral. It is often a banded block mixed with Opal and aphanitic quartz. Its hardness is 6.5-7 degrees, specific gravity is 2.65, and its color is quite layered. Having translucency or opacity. This agate original stone ornament, weight: 1069.1g. It is natural without artificial carving, colorful agate original stone, multi-layer structure, bright and lustrous. Hardness up to 4-5.



Agate is formed by the gradual precipitation of colloidal solution containing sand acid on the surface of the earth's crust. Therefore, it is mostly layered, and the layers are overlapped into corrugations. The luster, such as wax, is slightly transparent or opaque. The color of agate is mainly green, purple, red, white, light blue, brown and black. In addition, there are some agates with colorful effects. Many colors are interwoven to form some unique and novel patterns.



Because agate is rich in color, beautiful and moving, it has been cherished and given many other names since ancient times. For example, the purple one is called "marmalade agate", the red and white one is called "twined agate", the cypress branch one is called "cypress agate", the bamboo leaf one is called "bamboo leaf agate", and the one containing other fine needle like substances or strip like cracks is called "hairy agate", among which the ostrich feather with sundries like waves is called "feather agate", and some contain five The colors are called "rhinoceros agate" and so on.


此件玛瑙摆件造型奇特,通过不同的角度去观看,姿态百千,婀娜多姿。观赏价值高,作为玛瑙摆件,经过雕刻,是一件价值连城的工艺品 。收藏价值直线上升,物以稀为贵,物更以知为贵。现代人赏石,除注重奇石的空、陋、透、瘦外,还十分注重石的质地、色彩、纹理。玛瑙石质地坚硬而又细腻,色彩绚丽,纹理奇特,它集质、色、纹诸美于一身,是一种上乘观赏石。

This agate ornament has a unique shape. It can be viewed from different angles, with thousands of postures and graceful appearance. It has high ornamental value. As an agate ornament, it is a valuable handicraft after carving. The value of collection rises in a straight line. The rarity of things is more precious than knowledge. Modern people pay more attention to the stone texture, color and texture besides the empty, crude, transparent and thin stone. Agate stone is hard and delicate in nature, with gorgeous colors and peculiar textures. It combines the beauty of quality, color and texture, and is a kind of superior ornamental stone.







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