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发布时间:2020-03-24 13:09来源:
【藏.荐】栏为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,在拍卖会上得以高价成交。 [Tibet. Recommen


[Tibet. Recommendation] column for the strong dissemination effect of the collection to recommend to buyers the selected art treasures by experts at the first level of national appraisal, to bridge the gap for Tibetans, so that the value of thousands of art treasures are excavated and valued, and high-priced transactions can be concluded in the auction.



【藏 品 名 称】 :玻璃陨石


【藏 品 类 型】 : 杂项


【藏 品 信 息】 :重:7298g



[collection name]: Glass meteorite


[collection type]: Miscellaneous


[collection information]: weight: 7298g








 因为玻璃陨石在降落过程中为液质体,在高速下它们会被分解为较小的质量体,因此客观上不存在极大质量的玻璃陨石,但它与母石伴生陨落时或许较大的质量体。所以玻璃陨石极具科研价值。 据美国外星物体记载,玻璃陨石全球不超过4万玫,而且珍品玻璃陨石更是极度稀少,一般被发达国家搜刮而去,为了研究外太空之用,还有一部分在国家级博物馆里展览,大收藏家有缘分成功收集到珍品玻璃陨石的寥寥无几;玻璃陨石是收藏潜力很大,在未来的收藏市场价值更是不可估量!


自上个世纪70年代开始,陨石的价格就已经与黄金相差无几。随后,它以每年30%~50%的增幅持续升值。现今,最普通的陨石也可以卖到每克500~600美元,稀有陨石则可达到每克3000~8000美元,更有甚者每克可达10万美元。早在2001年的时候中国《投资者报》发布信息称,在国际走私物品的单价排名中,陨石已经打败了钻石、貂裘和冰毒,位列第一。据资料统计,每年坠落到地球上的陨石不计其数,但大多数陨石坠入海洋及沙漠地带,被人们知晓和收集到的非常之少,寥寥无几,粗略统计每年约有500颗陨石撞入地球,能找到的仅20颗,因此极为稀有和昂贵。长久以来,陨石因极高的科研价值一直受到众多天文学家和地质学家的热捧,更由于形态奇特且来源于宇宙而增添了几分神秘感,成为人们争相收藏和观赏之物。 该玻璃陨石重量高达7298g,体积较大,可遇不可求的一件稀有陨石,价格极高,值得收藏。



Glass meteorite is the product of liquid cooling during the falling process of some kind of meteorite. The mother rocks of glass meteorites are light green and black. Therefore, the falling of glass meteorites is carried out together with the mother rocks.


There is a record of glass meteorite in the book "record of mountains" written by Liu Xun of Tang Dynasty in China: "after the thunderstorm in Leizhou, people get the stone in the wild, which is called LEIGONGMO. And it's so lovely. " Because glass meteorite is formed at high altitude, high temperature, high pressure and high speed, it has obvious formation characteristics: high purity inside, no impurities, the whole body is full of dense small bubbles, the outside has melting shell, there are flow lines on the melting shell, and sometimes there are large air marks on the outside and under the melting shell. The shape of the glass meteorite is in the shape of a round cake. The surface is black. There are elongated bubbles and round bubbles of different sizes on the surface. Some of them look like crater like patterns on the surface of the moon. The melting shell shines with dazzling light in the sun, which is very precious. The burning trace of the meteorite is obvious, and the gas seal is dense and beautiful. It is the product of liquid cooling during the falling process of the meteorite. It is called tianwai noble guest and has high scientific research, ornamental and archaeological value.


Glass meteorite is a semitransparent vitrinite with weak magnetism. Its color is dark green, green, light green, brown, brown, dark brown and rare cinnabar. The specific gravity is about 2.6 to 3.0. Glass meteorite is formed at high altitude, high temperature, high pressure and high speed, so it has obvious formation characteristics: high purity inside, no impurities, the whole body is full of small dense bubbles, the outside has melting shell, there are flow lines on the melting shell, and sometimes there are big gas marks on the outside and under the melting shell.


Because glass meteorites are liquid bodies in the process of falling, they will be decomposed into smaller mass bodies at high speed, so there is no glass meteorite of great mass objectively, but it may be larger mass body when it falls with parent rock. Therefore, glass meteorites are of great scientific research value. According to the records of extraterrestrial objects in the United States, glass meteorites are no more than 40000 rose in the world, and the precious glass meteorites are extremely rare, which are generally searched by developed countries. In order to study the use of outer space, some of them are exhibited in national museums, and few of them are successfully collected by large collectors due to their fate. Glass meteorites have great collection potential, In the future collection market value is immeasurable!


Since the 1970s, the price of meteorites has been almost the same as that of gold. Subsequently, it continues to appreciate at an annual growth rate of 30% - 50%. Nowadays, the most common meteorites can also be sold to US $500-600 per gram, while rare meteorites can reach US $3000-8000 per gram, and even US $100000 per gram. As early as 2001, China's investor Daily reported that meteorites had beaten diamonds, mink fur and methamphetamine in the price ranking of international smuggled goods, ranking first. According to data statistics, there are countless meteorites falling to the earth every year, but most of them fall into the ocean and desert areas, which are very little known and collected by people. According to rough statistics, about 500 meteorites hit the earth every year, only 20 can be found, so they are extremely rare and expensive. For a long time, meteorites have been highly praised by many astronomers and geologists for their high scientific research value. Moreover, because of their peculiar shapes and origins in the universe, they have added a sense of mystery and become objects that people are competing to collect and watch. The glass meteorite weighs as much as 7298g and has a large volume. It is a rare meteorite that can not be found. Its price is very high and it is worth collecting.



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