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发布时间:2020-05-17 18:49来源:
在中国,人们认为翡翠玉石能保平安挡灾辟邪,佩戴自己喜爱的手镯可以心想事成。 甚至有些人佩戴手镯打碎时,可以将你的信息和希望送到天国, 让你的希望得到实现。也有一种流

在中国,人们认为翡翠玉石能保平安挡灾辟邪,佩戴自己喜爱的手镯可以心想事成。  甚至有些人佩戴手镯打碎时,可以将你的信息和希望送到天国,  让你的希望得到实现。也有一种流行的说法,是碎掉的手镯替佩戴者消灾弭祸。从少女成长起来的妈妈们,拥有一只自己喜爱的精品手镯是一辈子梦寐以求的愿望  也是通过儿媳传承家族血脉的载体。手镯不仅是作为表面的装饰品,也是一种奢华的表现,更是一种心灵的寄托。

In China, people think that jadeite jade can protect people from disasters and evil spirits, and they can wear their favorite bracelets to achieve whatever they want. Even when someone wears a bracelet and breaks it, they can send your message and hope to heaven to make your hope come true. There is also a popular saying that the broken bracelet can eliminate disasters for the wearer. Mothers who grow up from young girls have a favorite bracelet, which is a lifelong dream and a carrier for inheriting family blood through their daughter-in-law. Bracelet is not only as a surface decoration, but also a luxury performance, and also a kind of spiritual sustenance.



In China's jade culture for thousands of years, red jade can only be owned by royal families in ancient times because of its scarcity. As the saying goes, "a thousand gold is easy to get, but a ruby is hard to get.". Moreover, the resources of chicken blood jade are scarce, and the high-quality finished products are limited. Due to the scarcity and non renewability of resources, the price of chicken blood stone has been rising all the way. Within 10 years, the price has increased 6-10 times, and the highest auction price of the collection has reached 13.44 million yuan. It has become a hot collection new favorite!


This Song Dynasty Royal Chicken Blood bracelet. It is used by the royal family. The jade is of high density. The chicken blood wrapped in the jade is like the flowing flame frozen by the glass in an instant. The surface presents glass luster, and the jade is transparent, which makes people unable to stop. It has been handed down and preserved from generation to generation and has been completely preserved. It's not easy. Has very high collection value!






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