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发布时间:2020-05-19 22:39来源:
《福禄寿喜》龙纹银碗:洪字款一组;纯银;直经;7.2;总重量;822.7克 做;每一只碗的周围盘旋着三条龙;做工非常精美。在封建社会,龙是代表着权利,非王公贵族是不可能拥有。

《福禄寿喜》龙纹银碗:“洪”字款一组;纯银;直经;7.2;总重量;822.7克 做;每一只碗的周围盘旋着三条龙;做工非常精美。在封建社会,龙是代表着权利,非王公贵族是不可能拥有。在当时也是非常有代表性的一组器物;这种碗在当时发行的时候属于纪念品;发行的不多;放在在今天也是非常少见的;所以它的收藏价值非常的大。

The dragon shaped silver bowl in the happiness of fortune and longevity: a group of "Hong" characters; pure silver; straight Sutra; 7.2; total weight; 822.7g; each bowl is surrounded by three dragons; the workmanship is very exquisite. In the feudal society, the Dragon represents the right, which is impossible for the non Royal aristocracy to possess. At that time, it was also a very representative group of artifacts; this kind of bowl was a souvenir when it was issued at that time; not many were issued; it is also very rare today; so its collection value is very large.


In today's art market, such a group of bowls are very rare in the market, especially the words "happiness of fortune and longevity"; happiness of fortune and longevity is a track of Taiping lyrics, which belongs to the tune of no leisure, and the whole song is all the lyrics wishing people good luck. Therefore, since the Qing Dynasty, this song has been sung in every crosstalk performance. Every time in the new year, old Beijingers also like to paste spring couplets, window flowers, Chinese knots, red lanterns in front of the door and new clothes, so as to create a happy and festive atmosphere, which is also auspicious and wishful. They hope that the new year will be prosperous and prosperous.


Fortune comes from heaven and rushes with joy, and fortune celebrates the jade vase. Happiness is like the long flowing water in the East China Sea. I hate happiness for coming late and wearing bright red.


Lu Xing laughs and says three yuan in a row. The deer carries the Ganoderma lucidum in its mouth. Passing through the high mountains and pines, the six countries became high officials.



The longevity of the longevity star is boundless, and the longevity wine is placed in the center. Life is ten thousand feet higher than the south mountain, and Pengzu's life is eight hundred years.



Happy flower pinches to insert full head, happy wine pour to Ou several ou. The happy bird falls on the edge of the house, and the happy report is the best.



Silver bowl is a traditional art crystal and daily necessities with ancient characteristics, which used to be a symbol of status and wealth. Whenever the guests come, the hospitable ancients always pour the wine into the silver bowl, and use the traditional etiquette of toasting to receive and wash the dust for the guests. Silver bowl is not only a symbol of nobility and purity, but also an expression of courtesy. It also has the function of keeping fresh. Because pouring wine into an ordinary bowl will deteriorate in a few days. However, the wine in the silver bowl can keep fresh and mellow for a long time.



Silver bowl making process - chisel carving, the so-called chisel carving is to carve the whole flower on the silver bowl with 72 large and small carving knives, and each worry free flower also uses the inlay process to inlay four gemstones in the bowl. The whole bowl usually takes about 15 days to make. This unique craft is unique not only in Banna, but also in the Central Plains.


“ 洪”字款的银碗在市面上更加少见;是非常值得收藏的。

The silver bowl with the word "Hong" is even rarer on the market; it is worth collecting.






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