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垚舜艺术精品推荐:民国三年袁大头(签字版) 赏析

发布时间:2020-06-23 19:33来源:
重:26.2g 直径:3.75cm 1912年4月袁世凯出任大总统。北洋政府鉴于当时铸币、纸币十分复杂,流通的中外货币在百种以上,规格不一,流通混乱,折算繁琐,民众积怨,同时也想借助货币

 重:26.2g 直径:3.75cm




Yuan Tou is known as the treasure of silver COINS in the field of currency collection. It is the most widely circulated and influential silver coin among nearly a thousand modern silver COINS in China, and it is also an important role in the reform of modern Chinese currency system. Yuan Shikai became the great President in April 1912. In view of the complexity of coinage and paper currency at that time, there were more than 100 kinds of Chinese and foreign currency in circulation, with different specifications, chaotic circulation and complicated translation. The people were resentful and wanted to solve the military expenditure problem by means of currency reform, so the Beiyang government decided to coin and issue national currency. Yuan Shikai, in order to enhance his dominance, had his head on the coin, hence the name "Yuan Tou".

Yuan's scientific name "Yuan Shikai is like the back of jiahe one dollar silver coin", which was issued by the unified currency system after Yuan Shikai became President in the early period of the Republic of China. The reverse side of the coin is the pattern of Jiahe, which also generally refers to the growing and healthy rice. The ancients regarded it as a sign of auspicities, and engraved on the coin a vision of prosperity, peace and good fortune.


There are many versions of Yuan DaTou, among which the rarest and most precious one is the signature version of Yuan Shikai's head in the third year of the Republic of China (there are English words on the right side of the currency). This edition is in memory of Ruerzhi George, an expert engraver of Yuan's silver engraver, whose Latin signature "L.orgi" is engraved on the right side of Yuan's portrait. By the Tianjin mint trial casting, not circulation, at that time the circulation of only ten thousand, handed down so far the world is very rare very precious.


Expert review: the big head signature version three years of the republic of China yuan coin single ring diameter: 3.75 cm, weight: 26.2 g, the uniform like on the side of the coin positive zhu yuan shikai, on "the three years of the republic of China" mani rings, on the right side engrave has carved experts ruhr Latin signature "Laurence gleeson IORGI" remedy for George, silver currency "one circle" two characters written up on the back, left and right sides of golden harvest grain, golden harvest metaphor food enough, peaceful country and safe people, also have maintain ZuSui implication. Although it has experienced the baptism of endless years, but now still preserved, its bright natural color, grain depth is moderate, the edge line even thickness, spacing and density is consistent, portrait, hair and beard, mans subtleties has clear and vivid nature, molded is extremely sharp, with bumps, caster elegant, special format. The three years of the Republic of China version of Yuan's Signature edition is very rare in the world, the collection value is very high, is a rare thing, has a very high collection value of fine silver.



"Yuan DaTou" represents the currency culture of modern China. In the three years of the Republic of China, Yuan Tou was influenced by history and was a revolutionary cultural relic of high value, with profound historical significance. In the precious three years of the Republic of China, Yuan Recorded the great and earth-shatteringly great history of the Revolution of 1911, especially the scarcity of good quality products. Because this is collected very much lover favour, be known as in monetary collection bound "the treasure of silver dollar", it is a kind of curiousity that coin lover and collector seek ceaselessly. Silver is the wealth of the golden age, rolling in the meaning. In the business aspect, the home displays the corneous pot, will condense the flourishing wealth the silver dollar is placed among them, the implied meaning billows, gathers together.


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