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发布时间:2020-07-03 16:32来源:
青面兽玉扣 水浒传中的人物杨志,杨老令公杨业之后代,武艺非凡,因脸上有一青色胎记,人称青面兽,曾任殿帅府制使,因失陷花石纲丢官。后在三山聚义后加入梁山,在梁山排第十七位,上应



Yang Zhi, a character in the outlaws of the marsh, is the descendant of Yang Ye, the Duke of Yang Laoling. Because of his blue birthmark on his face, he is called "green faced beast". He once served as the commander-in-chief of the palace and lost his official post due to the fall of huashigang. Later, he joined Liangshan after gathering righteousness in Sanshan. He ranked 17th in Liangshan, and ranked the eighth cavalry and pioneer envoy of the horse army. He died of illness in Dantu County when he was fighting for fangla and pursued zhongwulang.


Jade clasp of green faced beast, also known as Ping'an buckle, can drive away evil spirits and avoid disasters, and protect the wearer's safety in and out. The meaning of "ping an" is clear, which expresses people's yearning for good wishes. There is an old saying in jade industry: "jade must have work, work must be intentional, meaning must be auspicious". Jade carving masters have passed the eight aspects, which embody the beauty of jade from eight aspects: shape and spirit, flexible interest, implicit forbearance, small to see big, big as clumsy, combination of virtual and real, harmonious beauty and art to embody the beauty of jade. Auspicious shapes come from people's beliefs, folklore, homophony and metaphor of animals and plants. In jade ornaments or pendants, images such as characters, animals, flowers and birds, utensils and other traditional Chinese patterns are used, as well as folk proverbs, auspicious words or fairy tales as the theme. Through metaphor, analogy, pun, symbol and homophony, the jade ornaments and pendants are used, The expression of "one auspicious word and one pattern" embodies the essence of jade culture.


Chinese traditional patterns have various forms and profound meanings. They are the rich connotation of Chinese jade culture and the material expression form of people's spiritual sustenance. Wearing jade ornaments rich in oriental culture also reflects individual personality, taste and national temperament.


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