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发布时间:2020-08-06 19:51来源:


The double dragon longevity coin made in Guangdong Province is valued by people for its rare quantity in the coin collection circle. Moreover, it is favored by people because of its exquisite production. It is one of the most famous silver coins in modern China, and it is also listed in the top ten treasures of modern Chinese mechanism currency. Since the purpose of coinage in Guangdong Province at that time was to offer to the Qing government to celebrate the longevity of Empress Dowager Cixi, the amount of coins was not large. Most of the coins were given to the Qing government or to the dignitaries at that time, which were rarely found in the folk circulation.


This Guangxu Yuanbao coin with double dragon longevity made in Guangdong Province has seven coins and two Fen. Its casting process, silver content and weight are in line with each other. It is a precious coin. The silver coin is engraved with four characters "made in Guangdong Province" at the upper end of the bead circle on the front side, and the six characters of "Kuping seven coins and two Fen" in regular script on the lower end. A bat pattern is engraved on the left and right sides of the coin, and the four characters "Guangxu Yuanbao" are cast in the bead circle. On the back of the silver coin, the pattern of double dragons playing with beads was cast outside the bead circle, and a seal character "Shou" was cast inside the bead circle. Therefore, some people call this coin "double dragon playing with pearl and longevity character". Although the Guangxu yuan treasure made in Guangdong Province has been circulated for several times, it is well preserved with clear front and back patterns and excellent appearance. It is actually a good collection.



This Guangxu Yuanbao coin with double dragon longevity made in Guangdong Province has seven coins and two Fen. Its casting process, silver content and weight are in line with each other. It is a precious coin. The silver coin is engraved with four characters "made in Guangdong Province" at the upper end of the bead circle on the front side, and the six characters of "Kuping seven coins and two Fen" in regular script on the lower end. A bat pattern is engraved on the left and right sides of the coin, and the four characters "Guangxu Yuanbao" are cast in the bead circle. On the back of the silver coin, the pattern of double dragons playing with beads was cast outside the bead circle, and a seal character "Shou" was cast inside the bead circle. Therefore, some people call this coin "double dragon playing with pearl and longevity character". Although the Guangxu yuan treasure made in Guangdong Province has been circulated for several times, it is well preserved with clear front and back patterns and excellent appearance. It is actually a good collection.


光绪元宝是近代中国钱币中的精品,有着历史熏陶,是价值很高的革命文物,具有深远的历史纪念意义;同时,还是考古和研究中国历史文化难得的实物。珍贵的光 绪元宝钱币记载着清朝惊天动地的历史,由于历经百年风雨,存世量极为稀少,尤其是品相好的更为稀缺,因此很受收藏爱好者青睐。

Guangxu Yuanbao is a high-value revolutionary cultural relic with profound historical significance. It is also a rare object in Archaeology and research of Chinese history and culture. The precious Guangxu Yuanbao coins record the earth shaking history of the Qing Dynasty. After a hundred years of trials and tribulations, the quantity of the coins is very rare, especially the ones with good quality, so they are very popular with collectors.




此件藏品现在展卖于艺品在线商城平台中,据持宝人介绍说,这件古钱币是祖上传下来的。曾让专家老师鉴定过,绝世精品。在本公司得知其有这件罕见珍品,特邀其持这件古钱币参加,现持宝人因资金周转困难原因。忍痛割爱愿将此件古钱币委托本公司代其通过网络媒体进行寻找买家。如对此藏品有兴趣收藏者,可拨打企业联系电话:400 686 3616进行洽谈。

The collection is now on sale in the art online mall platform. According to the treasure holder, this ancient coin was handed down by ancestors. It has been appraised by experts and teachers, and it is a masterpiece. We learned that he had this rare treasure and invited him to take part in it. Now the holder of the treasure has difficulty in capital turnover. We are willing to entrust this ancient coin to our company to find a buyer through network media on its behalf. If you are interested in this collection, you can call the enterprise contact number: 400 686 3616 for discussion.

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