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发布时间:2020-09-18 17:00来源:





此枚钱币正反面有45度的错位,军政府造四川铜币流通范围较窄,发行量与存世量自然无法与前二者相比。由于这个原因,接触川币的人比较少,研究者更少。但这并不表示川币的研究价值和市场价值不高,向来经济规律和收藏首要以“物以稀为贵”定律为标准。作为特殊历史时期、地方政权的特殊货币,是历史的产物,具有不可替代的文物价值,是历史的见证,好比过去农民政权发行的货币。军政府造四川铜币当制钱五十文,正面文字为四川铜币四字,中间饰有海棠花纹,上缘书“军政府造”四字,下缘为当制钱壹百文,标明了币值。左右各饰一朵花星纹。背面上缘有中华民国元年六字。中央有一个圈,圈中书以一个篆文“汉”字。圈外环绕有十八个小圈,代表当时十八个省份,十八个圈围绕“汉”字,寓意十八省人民团结起来共同为“驱逐鞑虏,恢复中华”而战斗。它带有辛亥革命那一时期鲜明的时代印记,见证了那一段波澜壮阔的民国历史!四川军政府发行的货币,目的在于筹措军饷,维持政府开支,所以极具较高的收藏历史意义。researchers. However, this does not mean that the research value and market value of Sichuan currency are not high, and the law of "scarcity is the most valuable thing" has always been the standard of economic laws and collections. As a special historical period and local political power, the special currency is the product of history, with irreplaceable cultural value, and is the witness of history, just like the currency issued by the peasant regime in the past. The military government made Sichuan copper coins to make 50 coins, with four characters of Sichuan copper coins on the front, Chinese flowering crabapple pattern in the middle, four characters of "made by the military government" on the upper edge and one hundred characters on the lower edge.


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