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精品推荐------咸丰重宝 当十

发布时间:2020-09-22 17:45来源:


[Tibet. Recommendation] column for the strong dissemination effect of the collection to recommend to buyers the selected art treasures by experts at the first level of national appraisal, to bridge the gap for Tibetans, so that the value of thousands of art treasures are excavated and valued, and high-priced transactions can be concluded in the auction.


【类型】: 钱币

【规格】:直径:35.7mm 厚:2.2mm 重:14.02g

【name】:Xianfeng Chongbao (When ten)

【type】: coin

【specifications】:Diameter: 35.7mm thickness: 2.2mm weight: 14.02g


Chinese ancient COINS germinated in the Xia Dynasty, originated from the Yin and Shang Dynasties, developed in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and unified in the Qin Dynasty. After a long history of more than 4,000 years, it has created more than 70 world's largest COINS. Moreover, the integrity of The Chinese coin system, the richness of the categories, the clarity of the context, the broad connotation of any country can not be compared. The popular category of ancient coin plate should count the products of pre-Qin Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. Pre-qin because it is a long time ago, the casting of its COINS, characters, style and other special, very attractive to collectors. The Qing Dynasty is relatively recent, and the shape and system of qing COINS is relatively large, collectors are easy to accept, so most collectors tend to have a good impression of Qing COINS.


As the last feudal empire in China, the Qing Dynasty experienced from feudalism to semi-colonial and semi-feudal society and then to the Republic of China. Its COINS epitomized the development of our country's modern history. The Reign of Xianfeng coincided with the climax of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Revolution. At this time, the public resentment boiling, in order to survive, the Qing government in the coin casting line, the financial crisis transferred to the people. Launched in succession "Xianfeng tong Bao", "Xianfeng heavy treasure", "Xianfeng yuan Bao" a variety of COINS. Xianfeng heavy treasure coin layout design elegant, fine carving, but, the casting amount is not much, so there is very rare, has high historical value and academic value.


Recently, our company had the honor to collect a qingqian: a Xianfeng Chongbao with a diameter of 35.7mm and a weight of 14.02g. This "Xianfeng Heavy treasure" (when Ten) copper coin after hundreds of years of erosion is still in good condition, a few oxidation defects to add a lot of charm. This coin face casting "Xianfeng heavy treasure" regular script four characters from top to bottom, from right to left straight read; The back of the book in Chinese "when Ten" and Manchu. This coin is very beautiful, clear and handsome, fine copper, bright red and yellow, the money is exquisite, without a trace of dragging. Exquisite carving, word mouth deep and steep, such as cutting knife, qian Wen comfortable, full of charm. See such exquisite unsurpassed art COINS, we can not help but admire the infinite wisdom of the ancients, the superb skills!


Money is not only a means of Commodity Exchange, but also a special cultural carrier. It is a special commodity and exquisite artwork, and also a reflection of the political, economic, cultural and artistic conditions of various countries in various periods. Chinese ancient coin in its long development process has gradually formed a unique Oriental coin culture system, so its value has been found by more and more people, the ancient coin has been more and more people to collect, has a very high value of collection!


This collection is for Sichuan Zhongbaoyuan Auction Co., Ltd. to collect the core collection of Singapore auction, welcome all collectors to visit the Singapore auction consulting auction, a rare opportunity!

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