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发布时间:2020-09-29 19:14来源:

王雪涛(1903--1982),河北成安人,原名庭钧,字晓封,号迟园,中国现代著名小写意花鸟画家。历任北京画院院长、中国美术家协会理事、美协北京分会副主席、北京市第七届人大代表、北京市第五届政协常委、中国农工民主党中央联络委员会委员及北京市委委员 。著有《王雪涛画集》、《王雪涛画辑》、《王雪涛画谱》、《王雪涛的花鸟画》等。

Wang Xuetao (1903-1982), a native of Cheng 'an, Hebei Province, was originally named Tingjun, whose name is Xiaofeng and whose name is Chiyuan. He is a famous modern Chinese painter of flowers and birds. He has served as Dean of Beijing Painting Academy, Director of Chinese Artists Association, Vice Chairman of Beijing Branch of American Artists Association, Representative of Beijing Seventh National People's Congress, Standing Committee of Beijing Fifth CPPCC, Member of Central Liaison Committee of China Agricultural Workers Democratic Party and Beijing Municipal Committee. He is the author of "Wang Xuetao Paintings Collection", "Wang Xuetao Paintings Collection", "Wang Xuetao Paintings", "Wang Xuetao's Flower and Bird Paintings" and so on.


Wang Xuetao studied painting under Qi Baishi, Wang Mengbai and Chen Banding. His works are widely drawn, exquisitely conceived, fresh and beautiful, and he is a famous flower and bird painter in modern China. He has made outstanding contributions to China's small freehand flower and bird paintings. He is an influential flower and bird painter in modern China. Wang Xuetao is good at describing the colorful and lively world of flowers and birds, and is good at expressing the painter's spiritual feelings and moving imagination. He is good at using smart and changeable pen and ink to blend the color rules emphasized by western painting into traditional inherent colors; He can also accurately grasp the dynamic flowers and birds, and can reflect the fleeting interest in blending with the scene.



Therefore, his paintings of flowers, birds, insects and fish are meticulous, varied, interesting and vivid. He got rid of the rigid formula of flower-and-bird paintings in Ming and Qing Dynasties, created a fresh and vivid style, and became an influential flower-and-bird painter in the 20th century. He inherited the fine traditions since Song and Yuan Dynasties and learned from each other's strong points. His works are wide in subject matter, ingenious in conception, beautiful in appearance, fresh and full of pen and ink. In his creation, he advocates "learning from the law, expressing one's own feelings, integrating things with me, making use of others before learning, and constantly innovating".



Wang Xuetao is known as the "Peony King" among modern painters. The more popular the subject is, the more difficult it is, the slightest carelessness, and it will fall into a gaudy situation. Therefore, in ancient times, many people only dared to express peony with ink and wash, such as Shen Zhou, Tang Yin, Chen Chun and others, who were able to study their changes with color, and were full of fragrance. Wang Xuetao was indeed the perfect candidate.



Different from western painting, Chinese painting mainly expresses inherent colors, with ink as the auxiliary color. If you want to highlight the sense of plane depth, you need clever skills to express it under traditional materials. This collection is a Wang Xuetao-style painting, which is exquisitely painted, colorful and well preserved. Wang Xuetao consciously shows the level of the picture with layered scenery. So that the whole painting is rippling with a unique charm of Chinese painting.


王雪涛先生生平力作,集先生心血,才华,精神,功力之大成,实为中华书画难得瑰宝,它气质高雅,笔墨含情,殷润恰到,灵动生机,论其艺术水准,可以作为中华之优选,入住卢浮宫,在世界艺术之林站有一席之地。更难能可贵的是,藏家几十年不为翻云覆雨的市场所动,坚守国宝的高风亮节,实在令人钦佩不已,唏嘘不已,如此气节,也应数当今第一 ! 敬佩 ! 感叹 !

Mr. Wang Xuetao's masterpiece is a rare treasure of Chinese painting and calligraphy, which combines his hard work, talent, spirit and skill. It is elegant in temperament, full of ink and ink, rich and just right, and smart and vibrant. On its artistic level, it can be regarded as the best choice for China, staying in the Louvre and having a place in the world art forest. What's more commendable is that collectors have been unmoved by the turbulent market for decades, and stick to the national treasure's high moral integrity, which is really admirable and crying. Such integrity should be ranked first today! Admire! Sigh!






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