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发布时间:2020-10-28 15:43来源:
【藏品名称】:大日本明治二十六年 [collection name]: the 26th year of Meiji in Japan 【藏品类别】:钱币 [collection type]: Coins 【藏品数量】:一枚 [collection quantity]: one piece 【藏品起拍价】:18


[collection name]: the 26th year of Meiji in Japan


[collection type]: Coins


[collection quantity]: one piece


[collection starting price]: 188888元


In the first year of Meiji, Japan purchased a complete set of coinage machines in Hong Kong and established a national mint in Osaka. In the third year of Meiji, the Mint was completed and silver coins were minted. At that time, the silver standard system was adopted for the value of silver dollar.


It is understood that the purpose of casting silver dollar was to expel the two pillar Japanese ocean and the eagle ocean, which were rampant in Japan at that time, in order to unify the currency. But unexpectedly, due to the small amount of silver on the front page, and the fact that people didn't know about it and was difficult to accept it for a while, the initial issue ended in failure. In the eighth year of Meiji, Japan made another silver coin for trade. Compared with the old version, the silver coin remained unchanged in quality, but its weight increased. It was collected or melted by the people, so it failed again. In this case, only the casting of the trading silver dollar could be stopped.


On the top of the coin of the 26th year of Meiji, Japan, there are 16 petals and 8-fold chrysanthemum emblems representing the Japanese royal family. On the left and right sides, the flower buds are clearly distinguished, and the branches and feet are crossed into a bow like shape, which has a strong Dongying feature. On the back is a flying dragon playing with beads, and on the outside of the bead is the word "great Japan, Meiji 26th year". At that time, the circulation of this kind of yuanlongyang was very small. After more than 100 years of baptism, it was rare in the world, and the currency was rare, so it had excellent collection value. The casting work is excellent and the circulation trace is obvious. As the saying goes, rarity is the most important thing. Influenced by the collection craze of old edition silver dollar in China in recent years, their prices are also rising and their value-added momentum is strong. Has very high collection value!

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