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精品 推荐:石陨石

发布时间:2020-12-08 23:45来源:
【藏品名称】:石陨石 [collection name]: iron meteorite 【藏品类别】:陨石 [collection type]: meteorite 【藏品数量】:一件 [collection quantity]: one piece 陨石被称为来自星星的石头,是地球以外未燃


[collection name]: iron meteorite


[collection type]: meteorite


[collection quantity]: one piece


Meteorites are known as "rocks from the stars," a mixture of rock, iron, or stone and iron from an unburned cosmic meteor outside the Earth that breaks off its original orbit and lands on the surface of the Earth or other planets. After falling to the earth, some of them fall into the sea, barren mountains, gobi and other inaccessible places. Even if they are found, the unfamiliar people will think they are ordinary stones, and few meteorites have actually been found.


Meteorites are very rare outer space resources, and their authenticity needs to be confirmed by instruments and professionals. Most of them come from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and a few from the moon and Mars. There are three broad groups of meteorites: stone meteorites (whose main composition is silicate), iron meteorites (an iron-nickel alloy) and stone meteorites (a mixture of iron and silicate). Each meteorite of different types carries a large amount of cosmic information, which is valuable material for human research on the formation and evolution of life in the universe, the solar system and the earth, as well as the production of cosmic disasters and special mines. It is also a cultural relic specimen of important scientific and cultural value.


This piece is a stone meteorite, the whole body into the irregular shape, the appearance is wrapped with a layer of oxide layer, called melting shell, has different shapes of grooves, called melting groove. Local Mosaic on the molten shell like a piece of gold, texture is excellent. However, these "gold" is composed of a variety of extremely rare precious metals, giving people noble visual beauty of the atmosphere, appearance is very elegant phase. The meteorite contains a large number of rare minerals in its interior, so it is a rare type of meteorite in terms of scientific research and collection value. Together with the integrity of the entire meteorite shell, it is more rare, its appreciation potential is unlimited, very suitable for collection.

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