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精品推荐 ---玉制饕餮纹方罍

发布时间:2021-06-08 11:09来源:
玉制饕餮纹方罍 高古玉通常指汉代及汉代以前的玉石器,时间约在距今2000年至8000年。 高古玉作为中国玉文化的精髓和源头,是中国古代文化的化身,更是东方美的象征,深受文人雅士




Ancient jade usually refers to jade tools in the Han Dynasty and before the Han Dynasty, about 2000 to 8000 years ago.

As the essence and source of Chinese jade culture, Gao ancient jade is the embodiment of ancient Chinese culture and a symbol of Oriental beauty. It is deeply loved by literati and elegance.


The method of mining jade material is mainly to heat and quench with cold water to make its burst principle. But this method is not conducive to mining large pieces of jade material. Then people cut the small pieces of jade materials mined according to different needs.


Ancient jade carving techniques have been relief, Yin line carving, Yang line carving, hollow carving and so on. Emrelief and Yang line carvings usually use a ground reduction method. When the jade carving is complete, the need to make it look more beautiful, shiny, need to be polished. Usually use wood chips, gourd skin, cowhide, etc.


"When Xuanyuan was around, Shennong declined and the vassals invaded them." The jade Ge, jade tomahawk and jade knives produced in the Erlitou site are just weapons, rather than real weapons, in the form of "ceremonial weapons". The special cultural form of war and conquest is the main spiritual force promoting the strengthening of royal power.


It is a large kind of large wine vessels and ritual utensils, born in the late Shang Dynasty, popular in the Western Zhou Dynasty to the mid-Spring and Autumn Period, and became extinct in the Warring States Period. It is evident that bronze is less popular in history, especially that it is very rare.


In the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the grand banquets of the nobles, it is kind of necessary utensils to hold wine or water. Its shape is divided into two kinds: squares and circles. In the Shang Zhou to the Han Dynasty, the forms and processes gradually changed from complicated to simple. As some examples of early forms, it reflects not only the superb design of ancient Chinese artifacts, but also the development of bronze casting, the most advanced scientific and technological achievements in the world at the time. It is evident of the most complex manufacturing technology. According to historical records, as early as the Western Han Dynasty, the descendants of Liu Wu, King Xiao of Liang, the son of Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty, showed some court bloody battles. It shows its importance in ancient artifacts.

口径8.1cm 底部8.5cm 高23.5cm


It is kind of the casting of the late Shang Dynasty, one of the families of the high nobles of the Shang Dynasty, brought to Hunan when the Central Plains moved south. Although archaeological findings show that hunan in the early Shang dynasty has mastered bronze casting technology, but to cast such exquisite complex weight also lack of ability, and square shape, decoration, inscriptions belong to the central plains Yin market style, dishes black bright, so-called "black paint", it needs to be buried in corrosive acid environment more than a thousand years to form, which is different from the central plains bronze ware in alkaline soil, is obviously brought by the central plains Shang dynasty moved south to hunan.

这件距今3000多年的方罍,造型雄浑,形体巨大,通体集立雕、浮雕、线雕于一身,其高超卓绝的铸造技术,神采飞动的气势和令人倾倒的精美纹饰,是其他古代青铜器无与伦比的,堪称"罍中之王",是举世无双的"稀世珍宝"。 皿天全方罍真实地反映了当时的社会状况,具有极高的史料价值。

More than 3,000 years, powerful shapes, large carvings, relief, lines, superb casting skills, brilliant momentum and stunning exquisite patterns of other ancient bronze objects, are the king of rare treasures. It is a true reflection of the social conditions and has high historical value.


This collection will be officially unveiled at the Dubai Auction Auction 2021! Become a popular collection on the scene!

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