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G20峰会开幕 双语解析习近平讲话要点

发布时间:2016-03-15 19:40来源: 未知
G20峰会开幕丨双语解析习近平讲话要点 15日,二十国集团领导人第十次峰会在土耳其安塔利亚举行。 今年G20峰会(Group of 20 summit)的主题是“共同行动以实现包容和稳健增长”(collective



  今年G20峰会(Group of 20 summit)的主题是“共同行动以实现包容和稳健增长”(collective action for inclusive and robust growth)。与会领导人围绕世界经济形势、全面增长战略、就业和投资等议题发表看法。

  国家主席习近平出席并发表题为《创新增长路径 共享发展成果》的重要讲话。



  G20 should work to maintain a stable economic growth in the short term, while seeking to inject new impetus into the world economy in the long run。


  The current financial crisis is far more complex than any of the previous crises, and it can not be fixed overnight。



  Strengthen communication and coordination on macroeconomic policies。


  Promote reform and innovation to enhance growth potential。


  Build an open world economy to bring out vigor in international trade and investment。


  Implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to inject strong impetus into equitable and inclusive development。


  China, as the world's second largest economy, has the confidence and ability to sustain a medium-high growth rate and continue to create development opportunities for other countries。


  China shouldered the responsibility of driving economic growth in times of the world economic hardship. China had contributed up to 50% of world economic growth from 2009 to 2011.


  Despite a recent slowdown, China still contributes 30% to world economic growth, which means that China still acts as a major world economic powerhouse。


  In the next five years, China will adhere to a path of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development, and will encourage a system that nurtures innovation. The country will try to realize the synchronous development of the new type of industrialization, IT application, urbanization and agricultural modernization。


  In the coming years, China will highlight green and low-carbon development, improve its environmental quality, become heavily involved in global economy, and carry out the Belt and Road Initiative。


  The world's second largest economy will continue to vigorously improve its people's well-being and ensure that the benefits of development are shared by all。

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