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发布时间:2019-06-25 09:59来源:
孙中山开国纪念币 编号: DLZL--00012 直径: 3.9cm 3.9cm 重量: 27g 27g Sun Yat-sens Founding Commemorative Coin No. : DLZL-- 00012 Diameter: 3.9cm 3.9cm Weight: 27g 27g 1911 年 10 月 10 日,辛亥革命爆发,起义军占



编号:DLZL-- 00012

直径:3.9cm 3.9cm

重量:27g 27g

Sun Yat-sen's Founding Commemorative Coin

No. : DLZL-- 00012

Diameter: 3.9cm 3.9cm

Weight: 27g 27g


On October 10, 1911, the revolution of 1911 broke out.On December 29, representatives of the 17 provinces of nanjing elected Dr. Sun yat-sen as interim President.To celebrate the overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of the republic of China, the nanjing mint minted and issued the republic of China founding commemorative COINS in the same year.At the same time, Dr. Sun's founding COINS have become the focus of collectors' renewed focus on investment.

此组孙中山开国纪念币,藏品直径均为:3.9cm,重量均为:27g。它的正面中央为孙中山侧面像,上下铸有中华民国开国纪念币隶书字样,左右为五瓣梅花各一枝,意为五权宪法之意,周边有珠点、齿状装饰。背面中央为中文隶书书体壹圆二字,左右各辅以嘉禾图案,每枝一穗三叶,代表三民主义之意,上侧铸有“MEMENTO”(纪念币)字样,下侧为“BIRTH OF REPUBLIC OF CHINA”(中华民国诞生),左右上方分列六角星图案。钱币背面镌刻着中英文字,意在告知外国人,中国新的开放时代将要来临,对世界的发展有重要的意义。

This set of "Dr. Sun yat-sen founding founding COINS" has a diameter of 3.9cm and a weight of 27g.Its front central profile of sun yat-sen, above and below the casting of "the founding of the republic of China coin" official script words, about five pieces of plum each one, meaning "the constitution of the five rights" meaning, surrounded by beads, tooth decoration.At the center OF the reverse side is the Chinese clerical script with two Chinese characters "one yuan", supplemented by jiahe pattern on the right and left. Each branch has one ear and three leaves, representing the meaning OF "three people's principles". On the upper side is the inscription OF "MEMENTO", and on the lower side is "BIRTH OF REPUBLIC OF CHINA".The Chinese and English characters on the back of the coin are intended to tell foreigners that a new era of opening up in China is coming, which is of great significance to the development of the world.


This looks from the product photograph of group coin, preservation is very good still, wrap pulp nature is old gas, form makes neat, design is clear, visible collector at ordinary times the intention when collecting.











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