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发布时间:2019-07-11 11:45来源:
玉跪人寓意遇贵人精品推荐 玉 跪人,是天然玉石挂件与手把件,将玉雕刻成下跪造型的挂件和手把件,它起源于商朝,谐音遇贵人,即人生顺利,逢上司赏识,长辈朋友等帮助,遇到


玉 跪人,是天然玉石挂件与手把件,将玉雕刻成下跪造型的挂件和手把件,它起源于商朝,谐音遇贵人,即人生顺利,逢上司赏识,长辈朋友等帮助,遇到贵人之意,古书中记载:玉坚不可摧也。古人将玉雕成玉跪人,可使主人不受小人影响和陷害,故宫廷常供奉玉跪人为神玉。Jade kneels a person, it is natural jade to hang with the hand handle, carve jade to kneel model to hang with the hand handle, it originates in shang dynasty, homonymy meets noble person, namely life is smooth, meet boss appreciation, the help such as elder friend, encounter noble meaning, in ancient book record: jade cannot be broken also. The ancients will be carved into jade kneeling people, can make the master not by the influence of small people and framed, so the palace often worship jade kneeling for god jade.1.jpg


  古玉人身上所承载的远古信息量是相当丰富的,玉人的艺术价值和历史研究价值,比同期的玉肖生动物还要高的多。写实性玉人不仅对研究当时人类的种族、遗传、进化有很大的参考意义,通过玉人的衣着、姿态可以全方位的展现当时古人的生活、习俗、宗教礼仪以及社会地位等。另外,从艺术上讲,玉人的艺术性远比其它玉器种类高得多,玉人的砣刻要求很高,不仅要求玉器匠师要有高超的砣刻技术,能准确地表现人物的身躯比例、神情姿态、衣着打扮,尤其是人物的神情姿态,要刻画得栩栩如生、恰到好处就决非轻而易举。The ancient jade people carry a lot of ancient information. The artistic value and historical research value of the jade people are much higher than that of the jade xiaosheng animals in the same period. Realistic jade people are not only of great reference significance to the study of the race, inheritance and evolution of human beings at that time, but also can comprehensively show the life, customs, religious etiquette and social status of ancient people at that time through their clothes and gestures. In addition, tell from the art, jade artistry is far much higher than other types of jade, jade of lead time demand is very high, not only requires jade craftsman technology is to be made with great effort, can accurately reflect the characters body proportion, posture, dress, especially the character's posture, is not easy to depict lifelike, just right.2.jpg


    古玉人可最为直接地反映了古人艺术审美意识,所以玉人作为古玉中最为珍贵的品类,历来被古玉大藏家及文博考古等业内专家人士视为可遇不可求、更不可多得的珍品。如著名的商代妇好墓玉跪人,已成为中国古代玉文化的重要代表标志,为世人所熟知。Ancient jade people can most directly reflect the aesthetic consciousness of ancient art, so jade people as the most precious category of ancient jade, has always been regarded as ancient jade collection home and cultural and archaeological experts in the industry can not be sought, more rare treasures. Such as the famous shang dynasty fu hao tomb jade kneeling, has become an important symbol of ancient Chinese jade culture, known to the world.3.jpg


    人是万物之灵,古往今来的艺术品中,表现人类本身的作品不计其数,古玉人是这些艺术品中出现最早的品类之一,因其数量稀少、内涵丰富而倍受文博界、收藏界关注。本次主人翁奇思妙想无意中妙手生花,无意识中创造出玉贵人手把件,其材质高贵上档次,整体形象生动有型,与古代玉跪人有着异曲同工之妙,是收藏大咖不可错过的佳品,,,,,,,,,,Man is the soul of all things. There are countless works of human beings in the works of art from ancient to modern times. Ancient jade man is one of the earliest categories of these works of art, which has attracted much attention from the field of literature and art collection because of its rare quantity and rich connotation. The master of this wonderful idea inadvertently wonderful hand flowers, unconsciously created a jade handle, the material is noble and classy, the overall image is vivid and stylish, and the ancient jade kneel people have a similar beauty, is a great collection can not be missed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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