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发布时间:2019-07-19 16:03来源:
重庆际华拍卖有限公司 重庆际华拍卖有限公司,为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,在




【名称】 寿字金锭

【规格】 重:52.5g

【类别】  杂项









Chongqing JiHua auction co. LTD

Chongqing Ji Hua auctions limited company, it is to collect powerful transmission effect to recommend to each buy a country to choose art curiums through expert of appraisal of a class of country to buy, draw a line to build a bridge for collector, let value of 1000 art curiums be discovered and take seriously, be able to clinch a deal with high price on auction.


[Name] Life of word gold ingot

[Specification] Weight: 52.5 g

[Category] Miscellaneous







Ancient Chinese coin originated in xia dynasty (at the beginning of the exchange unit of shell coin), originated from Yin and shang dynasty, grew in the eastern zhou dynasty, unified in the qin dynasty, and has a long history of more than 4,000 years, creating more than 70 most in the world. Moreover, no other country can match the integrity, variety, clarity and breadth of China's currency system. Gold ingots are mainly used for coin storage, jewelry and other decorations. For ancient gold and silver ingot, the value will be even higher. The ingot not only fused and cast the highest level of technology at that time, but also contains the significance of China's 5,000 years of history and culture. In recent years, the price of gold ingots with the word "longevity" has increased several times. Shou character gold ingot "ingot" refers to the shape, in ancient times, there are many kinds of shape of gold ingot, boat shape gold ingot was used after Ming and qing dynasties, shou character grain gold ingot in ancient large families when someone had a big birthday specially customized shou character grain gold ingot as a birthday gift. Early life character gold ingot work is not very detailed, a little rough, until the late qing dynasty, its work is very detailed and exquisite. Qing dynasty shouzi gold ingots are precious metal weighing COINS. It is a major component of the ancient Chinese coin system and the main foreword of the ancient state financial revenue. The value of the longevity ingot in the qing dynasty is a kind of gold ingot specially stored by large families in the qing dynasty. Generally, it is engraved with various patterns. In this paper, it is engraved with longevity ingot with exquisite technology, and its value is greater than most of the ingot, which is a high-quality gold ingot. This gold ingot of longevity character collected by chongqing JHF is handed down from ancestors. It is rare in the world and has extremely high collection value and investment value. Gold is a elemental form of the chemical element gold, which is an erosion-resistant precious metal. Gold is a precious and is one of the value of the metal, as in recent years, the international price of gold and silver prices soared quickly, with a long history of gold also received attention from investors, its sealing dust for many years the investment value of favored by more and more treasured works and investors, has led to our country ancient gold bullion market price is rising rapidly.

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