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发布时间:2019-08-09 11:18来源:
藏品名称:袁大头银币一组 藏品规格:尺寸不一 银元起源于15世纪,始铸于欧洲,俗称洋钱花边钱或大洋,是银铸币的通称。银元是舶来品,它初入中国,大约是在明朝,但大量流入,






  Collection name: Yuandatou

  Collection Specifications: Different Dimensions

  Silver Yuan originated in the 15th century and was cast in Europe. It is commonly known as "foreign money", "lace money" or "ocean". It is a general term for silver coins. Silver yuan is an exotic product. It first entered China, about the Ming Dynasty, but a large amount of inflow was after the Qing Emperor Qianlong period. There are some silver coins that are less issued on the market such as Sanfan silver coins, bamboo silver coins, and Gansu Yuan Yuan. Among them, the most widely circulated, most influential and most surviving silver coins are Yuan Shikai's head silver coins, commonly known as "Yuandatou silver yuan."

  As soon as the silver yuan collection was mentioned, it was also necessary to mention "Yuandatou." The so-called "Yuandatou" refers to the silver currency issued by Yuan Shikai after the Revolution of 1911 to solve military expenditures and improve his personal political status. These silver coins were named after his side-image. The rise and fall of international gold and silver prices has also stimulated the traditional collection market. In the past five years, the "Yuandatou" in the Republic of China has been rising and falling. Industry insiders believe that the collection of "Yuandatou" in the future still has greater value space. The official name of "Yuandatou" is "Yuan Shikai is like a back Jiahe silver coin." The carved Jiahe decoration on the back symbolizes auspicious in ancient times. Modern and modern times have evolved into political clarity and the meaning of national peace. At the same time, Yuan Shikai's image cast on the front of Yinyuan witnessed the special national conditions at that time, and the fact that the silver dollar was issued and forced to be used by the government also meant the advent of the era when China's silver yuan was unified.

  This group of Yuan Shikai silver yuan of the Republic of China was manufactured in the three years of the Republic of China, nine years of the Republic of China, and ten years of the Republic of China. Its text carving is very clear, and the font is very standardized. It shows a certain calligraphy flavor and natural shape lines, so the touch is better. And because Yuan Shikai was only in place for 83 days, the number of silver coins in the group was relatively rare and the collection value was high!


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