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发布时间:2019-08-20 20:50来源:
藏品名称:中国邮政120周年珍邮典藏《清明上河图》 Collection Name: China Posts 120th Anniversary Collection of Qingming Shanghe Tu 藏品规格:宽24.8米、长8.6米 Collection Specification: 24.8 m wide and 8.6 m lon


Collection Name: China Post's 120th Anniversary Collection of "Qingming Shanghe Tu"


Collection Specification: 24.8 m wide and 8.6 m long

藏品简介:清明上河图,中国十大传世名画之一。为北宋风俗画,北宋画家张择端仅见的存世精品,属国宝级文物,现藏于北京故宫博物院。清明上河图宽24.8米、长8.6米 ,绢本设色。作品以长卷形式,采用散点透视构图法,生动记录了中国十二世纪北宋都城东京(又称汴京,今河南开封)的城市面貌和当时社会各阶层人民的生活状况,是北宋时期都城汴京当年繁荣的见证,也是北宋城市经济情况的写照。这在中国乃至世界绘画史上都是独一无二的。在五米多长的画卷里,共绘了数量庞大的各色人物,牛、骡、驴等牲畜,车、轿、大小船只,房屋、桥梁、城楼等各有特色,体现了宋代建筑的特征。具有很高的历史价值和艺术价值。 《清明上河图》虽然场面热闹,但表现的并非繁荣市景,而是一幅带有忧患意识的"盛世危图",官兵懒散税务重。

Collection Description: Shanghe Tu in Qingming Dynasty, one of the ten famous paintings handed down from generation to generation in China. For the folk paintings of the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhang Choduan, a painter of the Northern Song Dynasty, is the only exquisite relic of the world. It belongs to the national treasure level and is now hidden in the Palace Museum of Beijing. The map of Shanghe River in Qingming Dynasty is 24.8 meters wide and 8.6 meters long. It is coloured in silk. In the form of long volumes, the works vividly record the urban outlook of the capital city of Tokyo in the 12th century of the Northern Song Dynasty (also known as Bianjing, now Kaifeng, Henan Province) and the living conditions of the people of all walks of life at that time, which is the testimony of the prosperity of the capital city of Bianjing in the Northern Song Dynasty, as well as the portrayal of the economic situation of the capital city of the Northern Song Dynasty. This is unique in the history of painting in China and even in the world. In the five-meter-long scroll, a large number of different characters, cattle, mules, donkeys and other livestock, cars, sedan chairs, small and large vessels, houses, bridges, city buildings and other features, reflecting the architectural characteristics of the Song Dynasty. It has high historical value and artistic value. Although the scene of Shanghe Tu in Qingming Dynasty is lively, it is not a prosperous city scene, but a "prosperous and dangerous map" with a sense of hardship. Officials and soldiers are lazy and taxed heavily.








Facing the trend of collecting and introducing Qingming Shanghe Tu, it has reached the top of the wave this year. Value has increased hundreds of times. The 120th anniversary of China Post, the first God of China, the collection of Shanghe Tu of Qingming Dynasty, is a world-famous masterpiece of ancient Chinese painting, which is a rare masterpiece in the history of world art.



In order to satisfy the love of many Tibetans for Qingming Shanghe Tu and to better display the "first Chinese god" in front of the world, top domestic designers and professional artists are invited to carefully design and sculpt Qingming Shanghe Tu, which is made into a collection edition according to strict technological process. The front is the panorama of Shanghe Tu in Qingming Dynasty. The original works are restored by high-tech means. The details of the levels are not missing. The original works'style and charm are reproduced by fine carving. It is an incomparable classic. On the back of the collection is the portrait of the Eighteen Emperors of the Song Dynasty. It is elegant and dignified. It shows the elegant demeanor of the emperors of the Song Dynasty. It can be regarded as the highest choice in the collection. The collection and appreciation treasures of pure silver medals are the perfect combination of ancient Chinese painting treasures and modern science and technology, and the best collection is amazing.


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