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发布时间:2019-08-21 14:42来源:
2019 拍卖精品藏品推荐:开国纪念币上六星 西安金诚轩艺术品拍卖有限公司【藏 . 荐】栏 为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让艺


西安金诚轩艺术品拍卖有限公司【藏.荐】栏 为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,在拍卖会上得以高价成交










Sun Yat-sen Commemorative Silver coin, commonly known as "Sun Xiaotou", was one of the main currencies circulated during the Republic of China. In 1911, the Republic of China was founded after the 1911 Revolution, and Sun Yat-sen became the interim president of the Republic of China. In order to rectify the monetary system and commemorate the great achievements of Mr. Sun Yat-sen, Chen Jintao, finance minister of the interim government, proposed that the founding commemorative coins should be started to replace the silver and copper coins of the Qing Dynasty mechanism, which meant the end of the dynasty's rule.

Sun Yat-sen ordered the Ministry of Finance to make commemorative coins, and ordered the other common silver coins to be coined with new patterns. "In the middle, we should draw five grain models, take the meaning of being rich and full of the people, and advocate the rules of the farming industry." He instructed the Ministry of Finance to make new models quickly, and ordered the provincial mints to do the same.

Founding commemorative coins are a large category of coin collections, which can be roughly divided into six-star, five-star and five-star versions. Different editions of commemorative coins have their own unique flavor and unique value, which are worth careful appreciation by investors.


This commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China is the first hexagonal star edition. It is rare and precious now. As the main currency in circulation, the silver dollar was a true portrait of the political, financial and cultural background at that time. Sun Yat-sen's commemorative coin was the product of China's farewell to imperialism and further liberation of the Chinese people's minds. From then on, China entered the new era of republicanism as a historical witness, which is of great historical value. The 16th edition of this coin is decorated with six-pointed stars. This commemorative coin is silver-white with a diameter of 3.9 cm. The reverse center of the coin has the word "one circle", with wheat ear pictures on both sides, a line of English letters on both sides and a hexagonal star on both sides. It is intended to inform foreigners that a new era of opening up in China is approaching and Sun Yat-sen's head is printed on the front center of the commemorative coin. Fang printed the word "Republic of China" and under the head was the word "Founding Commemorative Coin". There was a plum blossom picture in the center of the two characters.

Things are precious because they are scarce. This is the eternal law. This is also the reason why the transaction price of Sun Yat-sen's founding commemorative coins has repeatedly reached a new high in recent years. According to the authoritative market experts, with the increasing hobbies of collecting, the non-renewable amount of coins in the world and the continuous active economy, the market value of the founding commemorative coins will continue in the next few years. There is a lot of room for appreciation, with a very high collection investment value. This commemorative coin has smooth lines and strong three-dimensional sense. Its head has four characters of "Republic of China" on the top and five characters of "commemorative coin" on the bottom. It has long flower ornaments on both sides. Its font is vigorous and powerful. It is free and free from nature. It has clear flower ornaments, thick pulp and complete taste. It is favored by vast investment and collection hobbies.

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