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发布时间:2019-08-28 22:58来源:
藏品推荐:亚投行 - 和玺 玉玺的题材与背景,有着庆祝亚投行开业,这一巨大影响力的事件背景。 The theme and background of the seal have a background to celebrate the opening of the AIIB, which is an infl





The theme and background of the seal have a background to celebrate the opening of the AIIB, which is an influential event.



The establishment of the AIIB has global influence and marks China's influence in formulating global economic rules. Its political and economic significance exceeds that of the Olympic Games and the World Expo. And the long-term development of the jade seal market can also be seen, to commemorate the national event issued jade seal, the value of future appreciation must be extraordinary.



Engraving under the knob represents the wealth and harvest of the door ring, the door ring left and right carving symbolizes the auspicious traditional dragon decoration.



The AIIB and the AIIB weigh more than 740 grams and are carved from the whole piece of Hetian jade. The shape of the button is based on Hanwaxi as a blueprint for the creation, and the carving of the lotus on the button contains the meaning of "a family and a harmonious symbiosis".






The words "AIIB and Yi", "Unity, cooperation, openness, inclusiveness, and common development" and "Celebrating the opening of the 'Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank'" are engraved on the front;

Engraving the names of 57 founding members in Chinese and English on both sides of the base;

Engraving the AIIB logo and the Chinese words "Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank" on the back;

The Baoji seal is a "and" character.



As the classic commemorative gift "AIIB and Seal" for the opening of the Zhuya Investment Bank in Chongqing, it incorporates the exquisite skills of Chinese masters of Arts and crafts, adopts high-quality Hetian jade carvings, and the opening ceremony gift "AIIB and Seal" is designed and produced according to national standards. It is a rare high value collection among jade carvings. The appreciation of the collection itself is very optimistic. The elements of the AIIB's pragmatism and the auspicious meaning of traditional Chinese culture are gathered.


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