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发布时间:2019-08-29 22:11来源:
圣翰德钱币珍品精品推荐 直径:39.12mm 重:26.77克 背面中央为飞龙图案,上面镌中华帝国四字,下面镌洪宪纪元四字。飞龙银币的铸币工艺在当时已达到登峰造极的地步,正面袁像栩栩如


直径:39.12mm 重:26.77克


In the center of the back is a flying dragon pattern, with the four words "Empire of China" on the top and the four words "Hongxian Era" on the bottom. At that time, the coinage technology of Feilong silver coin reached its peak. The front of Feilong silver coin was vivid and vivid. The back of Feilong silver coin did not adopt the traditional Chinese dragon style, but the western double-winged dragon. The coin was also the only foreign dragon used by the Chinese official coinage, and was also the only engraving technology of several emperor silver coins in China. The most exquisite works, its precious degree can not be small Beautiful.

直径:28.74mm 重:8.48克

直径:28.74mm 重:10克


After the victory of 1911 Revolution, the Emperor of Qing Dynasty abdicated and the Republic of China was founded. The commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China was a commemorative copper coin issued by the Government of the Republic of China. In the online trading of coins, these bronze coins are very popular and become the focus of many buyers.

直径:28.3mm 重:7.32克


The front of this Guangxu Yuanbao is surrounded by the outer ring with meaningful toothed decorative stripes. There are uniform circular bead rings arranged inside. Inside the ring, there are four traditional letters of Guangxu Yuanbao inscribed on both sides. In the center of the four words, there are Manchu inscriptions of Guangxu Yuanbao. Above the Yuanbao, there are two anti-counterfeiting dots on the left and right, and mottled on the coin surface. Rust has witnessed the changes of history. With the passage of time, Guangxu Yuanbao has also lost a lot, and only a few survive in the world.

直径:27.4mm 重:3.67克

直径:23.7mm 重:4.36克

此组康熙通宝和乾隆通宝,品相较好,包浆老道,图纹清晰。官局铸造质量上乘,铸工精致。此钱币沿用乾隆满文钱式,为圆形方孔的铜币,其形状外法天内法地,取义精宏。 随着时间的推移和朝代的变更,古代钱币也随之悄然的流失,逐渐的减少,并且古代钱币有着不可复制的特性。古币虽然早已不再作为钱币在市面上流通使用,但却有着非凡的收藏价值,从而给收藏者带来了意想不到的财富,该钱的发现为研究清代文化提供了宝贵的资料。坚硬的褐色包浆包裹钱体,品相完好,具有极高的收藏价值和艺术价值及投资意义!

This group of Kangxi Tongbao and Qianlong Tongbao are of good quality, well-groomed and clear patterns. Official Bureau has excellent casting quality and exquisite casting workers. This coin follows the Qianlong Manchu style and is a copper coin with circular square holes. Its shape is outside the law, inside the sky, and its meaning is exquisite. With the passage of time and the change of dynasties, ancient coins also quietly disappeared and gradually decreased, and ancient coins have the characteristics of non-replicability. Although ancient coins are no longer used as coins in the market, they have extraordinary collection value, which brings unexpected wealth to collectors. The discovery of ancient coins provides valuable information for the study of Qing Dynasty culture. Hard Brown pulp wrapped in money, good quality, with a very high collection value and artistic value and investment significance!



 This treasure is now temporarily placed in "Sichuan Shenghande Auction Co., Ltd." is interested in direct contact with the company!


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