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网上古玩商城精品推荐19年第八期 厚德载物字画__曹平安书

发布时间:2019-08-31 01:10来源:
网上古玩商城精品推荐19年第八期 厚德载物字画__曹平安书 书法 厚德载物一语出自《易经》,意思是说,以深厚的德泽育人利物,今多用来指以崇高的道德、博大精深的学识培育学子成

网上古玩商城精品推荐19年第八期 厚德载物字画__曹平安书


书法—— “厚德载物”一语出自《易经》,意思是说,以深厚的德泽育人利物,今多用来指以崇高的道德、博大精深的学识培育学子成才。 原文是:“天行健,君子以自强不息。地势坤,君子以厚德载物”。人有聪明和愚笨,就如同地形有高低不平,土壤有肥沃贫瘠之分。农夫不会为了土壤贫瘠而不耕作,君子也不能为了愚笨不肖而放弃教育。天地间有形的东西,没有比大地更厚道的了,也没有什么不是承载在大地上的。所以君子处世要效法“坤”的意义,以厚德对待他人,无论是聪明、愚笨还是卑劣不肖的都给予一定的包容和宽忍。“自强不息 厚德载物”现为清华大学校训。此幅佳品适合装饰书房、办公室、学校等地。

Calligraphy-the word "profound virtue and carrying things" comes from the book of changes, which means to educate people and benefit things with profound virtue. nowadays, it is mostly used to cultivate students with lofty morality and extensive and profound knowledge. The original text is: "The sky is healthy, and the gentleman strives for self-improvement. The terrain is genteel, and the gentleman carries goods with great virtue ". People are smart and stupid, just as the terrain is rugged and the soil is fertile and barren. Farmers will not stop farming for the sake of poor soil, and gentlemen cannot give up education for the sake of stupidity. There is nothing tangible between heaven and earth more honest than the earth, and nothing is not carried on the earth. Therefore, a gentleman should imitate the meaning of "Kun" and treat others with kindness, whether smart, stupid or despicable. "Striving for Self-improvement and Loving Morality" is now Tsinghua University's motto. This picture is suitable for decorating study, office, school and other places.



The four words "to carry good morals" tell us that a gentleman can carry all things only if he thickens virtue. A moral person should be as broad and thick as the earth, carrying and growing all things. The so-called "virtue" is the most noble morality. The so-called "thing" of "carrying" refers not only to all things, but above all to all people. "People" and "things" can be combined and called "people". Lofty virtue means educating people and benefiting things with profound virtue. In other words, people should have noble moral character and dedication to benefit all people.



Cao Ping's calligraphy uses a kind of grass that belongs to himself and was created by combining the strengths of his family. For decades, it is easy to go through summer and winter, and I insist on studying in Linchi. After his retirement, he pursued calligraphy diligently and insanely, drawing on the strengths of many people and making great contributions.



Appreciating Cao Lao's calligraphy is like stroking one's mood with spring breeze, filling one's beautiful strokes with poems and paintings, brightening one's eyes and intoxicated one's soul. Cao Lao said that his spare time in this life was nothing but reading and writing. He is a person who pursues perfection, especially in writing. The shape of the character is leaning against each other, large and small, opening and closing, with obvious changes in line thickness and ups and downs. Fluent, clean, individual as a whole should strive for perfection. Cao Lao's calligraphy has a free and unrestrained aspect, and is hazy and beautiful like "if flying, if moving, if coming".


欣赏曹老的书法,仿佛被月光温柔的抚摸,让人有种淡淡的兴奋。咋看曹老的书法,你不会马上就怦然心动,仔细品读,那耐人寻味的美会让人爱怜不已。曹老说:他在写字的时候“默出静思,随意所适, 言不出口,气不盈息,沉密神彩,如对至尊,则无不善矣”因而全神贯注,行笔迅捷,用笔有力,发力沉重,行云流水,出神入化。

Appreciating Cao Lao's calligraphy seems to be touched gently by the moonlight, which makes people feel a little excited. If you look at Cao Lao's calligraphy, you won't immediately become really interested and read it carefully. The intriguing beauty will make you feel deeply pitied. Cao Lao said that when he was writing, he was "silent and thoughtful, at will, unable to speak, not full of breath, and full of color. if he was supreme, he would be good at nothing". therefore, he was absorbed, quick in writing, powerful in writing, heavy in power, flowing in clouds and water, and superb.



People are like words, and words are like people. Quiet and indifferent is Cao Lao's own style. It is in this way that Cao Lao's calligraphy is loved by more and more calligraphy lovers. Cao Lao is a kind and amiable person. While we collect Cao Lao's calligraphy, we also store Cao Lao's peaceful mood.





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