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发布时间:2019-09-24 15:42来源:
圣翰德精品推荐翡翠手镯一对 手镯是最受藏家青睐的款式之一,由于翡翠产量稀少,加上原石质量参差,色、种、水俱佳的翡翠难得一求,如能获得这样一块上好原料,翡翠复杂的多晶




The bracelet is one of the most popular styles of Tibetans. Due to the scarcity of jade production and the difference in the quality of the original stone, jade with good color, species, and water is rare. If you can obtain such a good raw material, The complex multi-crystal structure of jade makes it fissionable and contains flaws. For the above reasons, when a piece of material is of the same volume and there is no lock and no crack in a circle, it can be made into a bracelet, which is enough to be expensive, and it is derived from the same material. The same pair of bracelets, It's even harder to see!


藏品规格 : 重量:93.01g;94.41g   



Collection name: Emerald bracelet

Collection specification: Weight: 93.01 g; 94.41 g

Inner circle: 60.55 mm; 60.39 mm

Outer circle: 84.51 mm; 84.13 mm





Before the jade was discovered by the court, it had been popular for nearly four hundred years in Yunnan and southwestern provinces. After the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Qianlong was addicted to jade, and jade became the best jade material that swept the upper class society. Later, he became popular under the favor of Empress Dowager Cixi and Soong Ching Ling. Look at its texture, delicate warm, emerald sunny, using the traditional original style, full of classical charm. The bracelet is round and full, and "three circles in one" symbolizes that the business and life are full. It is like a bay of green lake water, melting between the wrists. The water of the species is full, the color is well-proportioned, and the color is melted in the water of the species.

In general, jade is very much in line with the Chinese people's gentle aesthetic, interesting, aftertaste around the beam.





Emerald is a unique individual in the world of jewelry. It does not have a quotation list like the stone. It does not have the same amount of reserves as other precious stones. It is a kind of precious jewelry that can not be found in appearance. Because it is extremely rare and exudes an introverted and calm beauty, its value can not be determined by price, it is compared with value.

Looking at the market in terms of reserves: Emerald is a precious stone mineral in nature and is a resource that can not be reused. The reserves are originally quite limited, and their reserves have disappeared faster with the technological progress of mining, and the relative nature has disappeared faster, and the scarcity is expensive, which is enough to explain its precious value, and its value has also increased.




当两个圆相互重迭时,我们看到一个极为特殊的形状,名为「Vesica Piscis」,其中我们能感受到无限强大的信息启示,甚至寻觅到物理世界以及全宇宙的代码。当我们在「Vesica Piscis」上添加直线时,我们可以挖掘出三个重要的数字:√2,√3和√5,根据古希腊数学家毕达哥拉斯的提示,这些数字是创建所有物理形式的基础。


Double Ring Password

"Circle", infinite, unified, complete.

"The ring" symbolizes the female power and life cycle.

When the two circles overlap with each other, we see a very special shape called <UNK> Vesica Piscis, in which we can feel an infinite amount of information and even find the physical world and the entire universe of code. When we add a straight line to the Vesica Piscis, we can excavate three important numbers: √ 2, √ 3, and √ 5, which, according to the ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras, are the basis for the creation of all physical forms.

This mysterious shape and its hidden code were used by ancient civilizations and religions in art and architecture to express their respect for the world and to understand the ever-changing perception of life. We found that the rings had such important passwords hidden behind them that perhaps we could understand more clearly why people wanted and cherished so much in pairs. Especially when it is perfectly presented to us with precious jade as a carrier.

Good things should be in pairs.

Since ancient times, Orientals have a passion for double numbers. From folk life to cultural philosophy, many examples can be found.

In the traditional concept of the East, the double(even number) has a complete, harmonious and auspicious meaning, and at the same time has a comparative composition. The so-called wings fly, good things become double, double happiness.

Chinese is the country of poetry. In classical poetry, duality or opposites are important expressions. The examples of double numbers in the architecture of the East are also everywhere. The doors, Windows, and piers are double doors, and even the door gods are double pairs. The East's preference for symmetry forms the unique aesthetic outlook of the East.

"Zhouyi" believes that the universe originated from Tai Chi, Tai Chi was born with two instruments, two instruments were born with four elephants, and four elephants were gossip.



 This treasure is now temporarily placed in "Sichuan Shenghande Auction Co., Ltd." is interested in direct contact with the company!


Sichuan Shenghande is a comprehensive operation company that integrates art online and offline exhibitions, auctions, cultural exchanges, and art appreciation. With the purpose of "drawing on Chinese wisdom, promoting the Chinese spirit, and creating Chinese values", the Chinese culture will be led to the world with a vision, active planning and operational ability, and a team with great pioneering spirit.



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