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70周年国庆 特别推荐:杨晋《渔隐图》

发布时间:2019-09-29 23:15来源:

清代杨晋渔隐图。杨晋(1644- 1728) 字子和,一字子鹤,号西亭,自号谷林椎客、鹤道人,又署野鹤,江苏常熟人。山水为王牵入室弟子,尝与绘圣祖南巡图颇精。晚年每多率笔,未免苍而不润,神气便少。然农村景物则颇工,尤长画牛,多写意,夕阳芳草,郊牧之风宛然在目,兼及人物写真,花鸟草虫。此图是典型的杨晋相笔风格,风雨交加的图景配之以石田疾风骤雨般的草隶行笔,老健苍厚的笔意使如水汽般满溢开来,山石轮廓以粗笔中锋写就,洒落却又含蓄,水面作留白处理,虚实相生,人物简笔草草,然而活灵活现,各富姿态。整幅面面以风雨为题,却无一笔风雨,却又无处不风雨,可谓是元气淋漓,令人阅之阳畅,见之心喜。

Yang Jin's fishing concealment in the Qing Dynasty. Yang Jin (1644 - 1728) is a crane, named Xiting, named Gulin Vertebrate, Hedao, and also a wild crane, Changshu, Jiangsu. Landscape for the king led disciples into the room, tasted and painted the South Saint Zu Tour quite well. In old age, every time you write more often, you will feel grey and moist, and you will have less air. However, the rural scenery is quite workmanlike, especially long cattle painting, freehand brushwork, sunset grass, the wind of suburban pasturing is in sight, as well as portraits of characters, flowers, birds, grass and insects. This picture is a typical style of Yang Jin's Xiangbi. The scenery of wind and rain is matched with the sketch of Shitian's windy and rainy grass brush. The old and vigorous style makes the sketch of mountains and rocks overflow like water vapor. The outline of mountains and rocks is written by the center of the rough brush, but the sprinkle is implicit. The water surface is treated as white, the reality and the reality are intermingled, and the characters are sketchy sketched, yet vivid and flexible. Every rich posture. The whole area is themed by wind and rain, but there is no wind and rain, but there is rain and wind everywhere. It can be said that it is full of vigor and vitality, which makes people see the sunshine smoothly and enjoy seeing it.






Yang Jin is a court painter in Qing Dynasty. He is good at painting. He can give full play to the specialty of traditional meticulous painting. He combines the manners of pavilions and pavilions of man-made buildings with the natural scenery of mountains and rivers. He has made excellent structural tailoring, full but not dull. His style of painting is delicate, beautiful and fresh, and the level of transition is not satisfactory. Naturally. "Stone Valley Riding Bull Picture" paints Stone Valley riding on the back of cattle leisurely, calm and peaceful manner, describing the simple and vivid. Shigu, the great painter of the Qing Dynasty, is also a teacher of Yang Jin.

这幅图中为一长卷,在构图上,表现为开朗,取景扼要,作者多通过自然留白、烟云分开、墨法调节、拉大浓淡差距等手法,来加大空间感和疏朗感。具有极高的历史价值与收藏价值!This picture is a long volume. In the composition, it shows cheerfulness and concise view. The author uses natural blank, smoke and cloud separation, ink regulation, and widening the gap between shades to increase the sense of space and spaciousness. It has very high historical value and collection value!







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