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发布时间:2019-10-14 19:09来源:
2019 精品推荐;咸丰重宝当十 藏品名称:咸丰重宝当十 售价: 500000 (可议价) 此币为著名的咸丰当十重宝,正面铸有楷书咸丰重宝从上而下而右而左直读;钱背上下写有汉文当十二字








This coin is the famous Xianfeng Dang Shizhuangbao, with the regular script "Xianfeng Chongbao" written on the front and read directly from top to bottom, right to left, and the Chinese word "Dang Shi" written on the back of the coin, with the name of the Money Bureau written in Manchu on the left and right. This version of Xianfeng Chongbao is relatively high-grade, with clear and deep handwriting, fine copper quality, fine casting, thick and moist paste, clear and dignified font, smooth and neat strokes. It is a rare, rare, extremely valuable collection, and has great potential for appreciation. The casting materials of Xianfeng Chongbao are mainly brass, and coins of other materials such as iron coins have appeared. In addition, there is a kind of court coin refined with gold, silver, tortoise shell, white copper and other materials. It is larger in shape and thicker in body. It belongs to the Royal Festival money. This kind of coin is very small in quantity and of excellent quality, and its price is far beyond that of brass and iron money. Official plate material is 75% copper, 20% zinc, 3% tin and other coordination, mother money contains higher copper purity.





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