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发布时间:2019-10-15 00:22来源:
2019 精品推荐;清明上河图 藏品名称:清明上河图 售价: 300000 《清明上河图》中最气派的大店孙羊店门前,画有两组小贩正积极兜售篮中成捆束的赤色植物的场景:鼓楼外,平桥头,









In front of Sun Yangdian, the most magnificent shop in Qingming Shanghe Tu, there are two groups of vendors who are actively peddling bundles of red plants in baskets: outside Drum Tower, at Pingqiaotou, under willow trees, under a large umbrella, there is also a vendor selling the same thing with the same style basket. The vendor is holding a bunch and leaning forward to a middle-aged uncle beard to actively lobby. Mr. Zhang Anzhi thought it was "the burden of selling flowers and willows". Mr. Wang Kairu thought it was selling apricot branches, while the author thought it was selling tender toons. The article only talks about six kinds of scenes, only a hair of nine cattle in Qingming Shanghe Tu, but it is related to the overall situation of the picture. Although the painter dares not identify himself correctly, it seems that the painter borrowed the festivals of Qingming to celebrate the prosperity of Enbo in the prosperous times, which can be seen in the past, just as the postscripts of Jin Yuanming after the picture. However, since the 1980s, the "autumn scenery" theory has been increasing, and the old saying about the title and theme of the picture is doubtful. At the beginning of the study of Shanghe Tu of Qingming Dynasty, the author was also a novelty of "Autumn Scenery". Unexpectedly, he returned to the old age of the ancients and wished to be wise and able to teach them. The value of collections has risen steadily.




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