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发布时间:2019-10-16 20:16来源:
2019 精品推荐; 唐代越窑小碟 藏品名称: 唐代越窑小碟 售价 1200000.00 可议价 中国唐代越州所属的绍兴、上虞、余姚等地瓷窑烧制的瓷器。越窑之名,最早见于唐代,唐陆龟蒙《秘色越




售价 1200000.00 <可议价>



唐代越窑瓷器以美丽的釉色著称,采用了划花、印花、刻花和镂雕等装饰技法,以划花为主。划花线条洗练,寥寥几笔便展现出一朵盛开的荷花,一枚风吹叶卷的荷叶,或花朵舒展、枝叶对称的海棠花和四瓣花。印花多用于碗底、盘底等处,花纹有云龙、寿鹤和花卉,一般拘谨呆板,不像划花那样奔放有力。晚唐时期已经出现了釉下褐彩装饰,如1980年浙江省临安县两市街明堂山唐天复元年 (901)水邱氏墓出土的釉下褐云纹镂孔炉就是一例。这种装饰一直延续到五代。1970年,临安县板桥五代墓出土的褐彩云纹四罂与水邱氏墓出土的装饰具有同样风格但这种釉下彩装饰并没有发展起来,很快就消失了。刻划花装饰则仍占主导地位,并一直延续发展下来。

Porcelain fired by Shaoxing, Shangyu and Yuyao kilns of Yuezhou in Tang Dynasty. The name of Yue Kiln was first seen in the Tang Dynasty. The poem "Secret Shade Yue Qi" written by Lu Guimeng in the Tang Dynasty has the verse "The Wind and Dew of the Ninth Autumn Open Yue Kiln and Win Qianfeng Cui Se Come". The Yueyao kiln site was discovered in 1934. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, after many investigations, the distribution of Yue kilns, the history of porcelain firing and the main features of firing utensils have been preliminarily clarified. Yue kiln pottery in Tang Dynasty is famous for its beautiful glaze color. It adopts decorative techniques such as scratching, printing, engraving and carving, with scratching as the main method. With a few strokes, a blooming lotus flower, a wind-blown leaf curling lotus leaf, or a sprawling, symmetrical crabapple flower and four-petaled flower are displayed. Printing is mostly used at the bottom of bowls and pans. The patterns are Yunlong, Shouhe and flowers. They are generally rigid and rigid, not as bold and powerful as rowing. Subglaze Brown decoration has appeared in the late Tang Dynasty, such as the brown cloud carving furnace unearthed from Shuiqiu Tomb in Mingtang Mountain, Linan County, Zhejiang Province in 1980. This decoration lasted for five generations. In 1970, the brown moire four poppies unearthed from Banqiao Tomb of the Five Dynasties in Linan County had the same style as those unearthed from Shuiqiu Tomb, but this kind of underglaze decoration did not develop and soon disappeared. Sculptured decoration is still dominant, and has continued to develop.




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