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发布时间:2019-10-16 22:05来源:
圣翰德开元通宝精品推荐 开元通宝为唐代货币。钱币在唐代始有通宝。唐初沿用隋五铢,轻小淆杂。唐高祖武德四年,为整治混乱的币制,废隋钱,效仿西汉五铢的严格规范,开铸开元





Kaiyuan Tongbao is the currency of the Tang Dynasty. Coins began in the Tang Dynasty with "Tongbao." At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, he used the five baht, light and small miscellaneous. Tanggaozuwude four years, in order to rectify the chaotic currency system, waste money, follow the strict regulations of the Western Han Dynasty, open cast "Kaiyuan Tongbao", to replace the five left in society.



In the form and weight of coin casting, Kaiyuan money became the standard for each generation of copper coins after the Tang Dynasty. The emergence of Kaiyuan Tongbao has profound socio-economic reasons. Economically determined finance, Kaiyuan Tongbao was the product of the gradual expansion of commodity production and commodity exchange at that time. This piece of "Kaiyuan Tongbao" is beautifully made, with clear handwriting and beautiful writing. It is worth collecting!








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