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发布时间:2019-10-21 14:23来源:
《盛世中华 . 中国印》精品推荐 藏品名 称:《盛世中华 . 中国印》 藏品规格:重: 2450 克 材料:昆仑山脉上乘玉料 Collection name: Shengshi Zhonghua. China Seal Collection Specifications: Weight: 245




藏品规格:重:2450克 材料:昆仑山脉上乘玉料

Collection name: "Shengshi Zhonghua. China Seal"

Collection Specifications: Weight: 2450 g Material: Kunlun Mountain Range Superior Jade


《盛世中华.中国印》参阅历代皇室玉玺文化,最后呈现出的玉玺形象是玉文化与双龙盘绕造型的结合,寓意和谐盛世与辉煌,也意味着守护财富 守护福禄的概念。作为新中国第一方盛世中华玺,在中国的玉印史上将具有特殊的意义,也将具有非常高的收藏价值和升值潜力。

"Shengshi Zhonghua. China India" refers to the royal jade culture of the ages. The image of the jade seal finally presented is a combination of jade culture and Shuanglong coiling. It symbolizes harmony and prosperity and glory, and also means the concept of guarding wealth and guarding Fulu. As Diyifangshengshizhonghuaxi of New China, China will have special significance in the history of jade printing, and it will also have a very high collection value and potential for appreciation.


"Shengshi Zhonghua. China India" selected jade materials, using the Kunlun Mountains superior jade materials to inherit the Chinese 7000 years of historical jade civilization, the whole carved. The entire party of jade is composed of two parts, the dragon button and the skeleton. There are two lifelike dragons carved on the dragon button, and the double dragons hover around, meaning that the dragon is in heaven and is in power. Its form is majestic and majestic, with a majestic world, the artistic conception of Jiangshan Yonggu, the entire jade body is crystal clear, the jade quality is delicate, the luster is soft, and the foundation is 56mm high. It represents 56 ethnic groups in China, and the mountain and river is permanent. 98 mm wide, 960 square mm printed area, It means that China's 9.6 million square kilometers of territory is wide, the country is unified, and the printed font is engraved with seven characters of "Shengshi Zhonghua. China Printing", showing the style of the Chinese monarchy. Produced by the Chinese Institute of Cultural Relics, the world's limited edition of 3,000 sets has a very high collection value and potential for appreciation.




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