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发布时间:2019-12-05 15:10来源:


The qingming festival on the painting ", one of China top ten most famous paintings, as the northern song dynasty genre painting, present only in the northern song dynasty painter later only high-quality goods, belongs to the national cultural relics, now in the Palace Museum in Beijing. Qingming scroll width 24.8 cm, 528.7 cm long, silk scroll painting. Works in the form of long, the scatter perspective composition method is adopted, vividly recorded the twelfth century China northern song dynasty capital Tokyo (also called bian city, now in henan kaifeng) cities and all walks of people's living conditions at that time. Is a milestone in the history of Chinese painting, is the national Palace Museum, and its unique artistic value and strains the immeasurable value of cultural relics of past dynasties collector, is known as "the Chinese first prepared," the miracle of the painting history of one thousand years all over the world.






To further show Chinese paintings to the peoples of the world, especially in our country to launch a set of rare collection "qingming scroll sterling silver stamp" global limited release, represent the sculpted painting style, scarce precious! In mail CangJie, there is a profound historical memorial significance are generally highly appreciation potential, the set of "qingming scroll sterling silver stamp" both in artistic value and cultural and historical value is beyond the reach of ordinary stamps, artistic value and historical significance, given the deep to assemble the collection, national treasures material molded peak collection!





此套邮票,总重量:共约500g,再造工程由全国数顶级大师,历时数年才最终制版完成,堪称我国收藏领域又一里程碑。通体使用浅浮雕、镜面、喷砂、彩印等工艺,采用国际先进造币工艺打造,通过九枚银邮票完美复原国宝《清明上河图》原景原貌,各种人物1643多个,牲畜208头,树木170多棵,人物、牲畜栩栩如生,生动再现了北宋都城汴京的清明时节的繁荣景象,生动完美地展现出清明上河图颇具沧桑的历史!银藏品正下面制有“中国邮政CHINA 80分”和“清明上河图”及“足银999,55.6g”标识,体现国家权威和质量标准。未来收藏价值不可估量!如果不是特批铸造,普通老百姓这一辈子都很难见到它。《清明上河图纯银邮票》以纯银邮票形式完美还原张择端的艺术大作,堪称精品!

This set of stamps, : the total weight about 500 g, reengineering by the number of top master, years finally process is completed, is another milestone in our collection. Connect body to use bas-relief, mirror, sandblasting, color printing, such as technology, USES the international advanced coinage technique, by nine silver stamp perfect restoring national treasure on the qingming festival pursues "the original scene, a variety of more than 1643 characters, 208 head of cattle, trees more than 170 trees, livestock lifelike characters, vividly recreates the northern song dynasty capital bian city the prosperity of the ching Ming festival, vivid and perfectly display the history of painting is vicissitudes of life on the tomb-sweeping day! Silver collection is under the system of "CHINA post CHINA 80" and "qingming scroll" and "fine silver 999,55.6 g" logo, reflect national authority and quality standards. The future collection value is immeasurable! The rest of your life if not special casting, ordinary people is hard to see it. "Qingming scroll sterling silver stamp" in the form of pure silver stamp perfect reduction later masterpieces of art, is a high-quality goods!





In the dynasty alternation and ruthless war again and again, the qingming festival on the painting "was not damaged, but preserved up to now, this is a miracle in itself. This ancient folk long, it is belong to China's national cultural treasures; However it is also belong to the world, it vividly reflects in the tenth century the east, in the highly developed commodity economy in the Yellow River basin of Yangtze river, the ancient orientals use their intelligence and wisdom on how to change the world! Today, nearly to the sides of the Taiwan straits, far into the ocean, regardless of nationality, regardless of industry for the qingming festival on the painting "is a collection of related collection action let the collection market warms up instantly! It also fully proved the truth of the "nation is the world".


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