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发布时间:2019-12-17 00:14来源:

1911年辛亥革命取得胜利,并在1912年元旦宣布成立了中华民国,孙中山就任中华民国临时大总统,在颁布的“临时大总统令”中提出要“另刊新模,鼓铸纪念币”,随后武昌和南京两处造币厂率先铸造发行了 “中华民国开国纪念币”铜圆辅币,以十文面值的为主,在全国发行以取代清朝银元。这就是“中华民国开国纪念币” 银元的由来。

The 1911 Revolution won victory, and the Republic of China was proclaimed on New Year's Day 1912. Sun Yat-sen became the interim president of the Republic of China. In the "interim presidential decree" issued, he proposed to "publish new models and drum up commemorative coins". Subsequently, Wuchang and Nanjing coin factories took the lead in casting and issuing the "commemorative coins for the founding of the Republic of China" copper coins, mainly in ten denominations, to replace Qing silver coins throughout the country. This is the origin of the silver dollar, the commemorative coin for the founding of the Republic of China.



[Collection Name]: One Yuan of Commemorative Coin for the Founding of the Republic of China


[Category]: Coin


As a product of the Republic of China, the commemorative coins of the founding of the People's Republic of China have a certain historical value and have always been popular in the collection market. Up to now, the commemorative coins of the founding of the People's Republic of China have received high attention in the collection market. The collection of coins is definitely inseparable from the historical background, circulation and special edition significance of coins. Sun Yat-sen's Founding Commemorative Coin's position in the collection market is due to its historical value. With the increase of attention, the historical background of Sun Yat-sen's Founding Commemorative Coin and the market prospect of Sun Yat-sen's Founding Commemorative Coin as a collection and investment will get better and better in the later period.


This commemorative coin for the founding of the Republic of China is a silver dollar, with sun yat-sen's side portrait in the center on the front and the Chinese official script "Republic of China", "commemorative coin for the founding of the Republic of China" and left and right long branch decorations on the edge. At the center of the back are the Chinese official script characters "one circle" and "Jiahe", while at the edges English characters "Republic of China" and "one circle" are divided into five-pointed stars (later changed to six-pointed stars). Straight side teeth, commonly known as "small head". The currency was issued as the national currency of the Republic of China, with a small circulation range and a small number of existing coins. Has extremely high investment collection value, has the high transaction record in each big auction house!



Chinese civilization has lasted for 5,000 years, with a long history and culture. Every stage of historical development is the footprint of our country's growth. Silver dollar is also an important part of this historical galaxy. Due to its specific historical period, it also occupies an important position in the history of coins. It not only represents the currency culture of modern China, but also reflects the ups and downs and vicissitudes of China's modern history, economy and finance. It has high artistic appreciation value and cultural relic value.








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